Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Litter-ary Cats: T.S. Eliot

orange and white cat on piano bench
One of the reference photos for a portrait of my long-ago orange boy, Allegro.

I majored in English in college, and when in my junior year I studied Modern Poetry and encountered the following lines in T.S. Eliot’s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock:

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

…I thought I was imagining a descriptive that sounded an awful lot like a cat.

But modern poets didn’t write about cats, I knew that for sure.

The professor pointed out, however, that there was a section of cat imagery in this poem along with isolated lines here and there, and noted that T.S. Eliot regularly used feline imagery in his poetry. I remember he seemed reluctant to admit this fact. I was thrilled.

I knew there was a reason I liked this poet’s work from the first word (and still do). And that was even before I knew about Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. My professors barely mentioned that one. Imagine a world-renowned, much-respected modern poet writing a book of silly cat poetry.

But write it he did, and it’s one that every cat lover should read. When I found this volume, I knew T.S. Eliot was a complete cat lover.

Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats are rather small;
Jellicle Cats are merry and bright,
And pleasant to hear when they caterwaul.

Now, does that sound like something you’d sing to your kitty when you were sure no one else could hear? And I guess it was moving enough to inspire Andrew Lloyd Webber to write one of history’s most popular  musicals, Cats, which is based on this book. However, even if you have seen the musical I recommend every cat lover read the original book. Webber took liberties with the original story, including the little portion about Jellicle cats I’ve included above which are truly only black and white cats, and that and the entire story make a little more sense when you read it in the original form.

black cat bathing on bed
Don't look!

I don’t have a recommended volume—mine is incorporated in a huge heavy anthology of Eliot’s works which I treasure, but you can find a link to one of the original volumes of Old Possum in Google books in which the pages are displayed by permission of publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. You don’t get all of the book or even the good parts, but it will give you a taste of what the book is all about and you’ll see the illustrations from that era, really cool and inspiring to me.

Better yet, visit your local public library where you’ll usually find at least one published copy of the book in either children’s or adult’s literature. The illustrations are wonderful in every version. In fact, find more than one!

One of the Fantastic Four, little Jelly Bean, is, in fact, a Jellicle Cat, hence his name, in part; also his nose looks like a shiny black jelly bean. Silly me. But he is very pleasant to hear when he caterwauls.

But Webber and Trevor Nunn didn’t stop with Old Possum. They also used imagery and text from two other of Eliot’s poems for the production’s big hit, “Memory” and no doubt took a lot of inspiration for the story from Eliot’s other poetry. Despite the fact the musical is about cats and much of it can be taken lightly, it’s about cats’ rough and often tragic life on the streets and much of Eliot’s poetry reflects the often rough and tragic lives of humans, with a liberal sprinkling of metaphorical cat hair.

The lyrics and no doubt inspiration for “Memory” come from two of Eliot’s other poems, Preludes and Rhapsody on a Windy NightWith a quick read into each of these poems you’ll find imagery and actual lyrics used in “Memory” as well a few more feline images and references. This article on Yahoo Network describes all the references in the cited poems; this article on Wikipedia offers a little more about the lyricists and melody.

orange cat in sunshine

And years after I first found the allusion to the yellow cat in Prufrock (above), when I lost my yellow cat on a soft October night when he was the young age of 10, I remembered this verse and thought how much it reminded me of my Allegro, and still does, years later. I look forward to finally painting his portrait on the piano bench, using the photo at the beginning of this article.

And as I write poetry about my own cats and move to subjects beyond I gratefully return to Eliot and my first introduction to the use of imagery in writing. In much the same way observing my cats taught me about the skills of visual representation, no other subject could have taught me the delicate lesson of dancing around technical description with words and sounds and rhythms to create a vision for my reader than to use something so visually inspiring to me, and which I loved so much, as a cat.

You may not find too many other cats in literature, but finding authors who lived with and were inspired by cats are frequent to the point of common. Mark Twain, author of the famous quote about crossing cats and humans and degrading the cat, had many cats who don’t appear in his fiction but do appear in his essays. Ernest Hemingway kept many cats in his Florida home, famously polydactyl (possessing multiple toes), the descendants of whom still live on the property he occupied in Florida. Read about Twain and Hemingway along with other authors on the Winn Feline Foundation blog in “Famous Cat Loving Authors and Pet Names”.

I’ve also written a “Litter-ary Cat” article about Mark Twain.


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.


From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

10 thoughts on “Litter-ary Cats: T.S. Eliot

  • Pingback: The Creative Cat - “A Sensible Everyday Name”

  • Pingback: The Creative Cat - Litter-ary Cats: Mark Twain, Animal Advocate in Fact and Fiction

  • I loved this post, Bernadette. Funnily enough I was rereading Prufrock the other day! I also love the Old Possum’s Book ….. In fact I wrote a post a while back on Jellicle cats lol. Some critics like to say that Eliot became rather pompous and self indulgent as his fame grew, but I don’t know. I have a soft spot. 🙂

    • Carolyn, you mean someone else reads Prufrock when it’s not assigned in class! I remember your jellicle post as Austin is, of course, a jellicle. Eliot was considered a rather nasty personality, and the subjects of his poetry were quite bleak, but he loved his kitties. I kind of think he cleansed his palate of the dregs of life in his poetry by writing about cats.

    • Un plaisir! Reading Eliot on a Sunday morning can lead down an unintended alleyway, but spending a Sunday morning with my books is a joy. But now my head is full of things….

  • I have read a few of these, and seen Cats. Great inspurrr-ation 😉 .. You may wish to add to your feline cultural cache “Duetto Buffo di Due Gatti” (The Cat Duet) by Rossini. If you plug into YouTube you can hear Montserrat Caballe sing this. I have sung it a few times with my operatic mother … it’s always great fun. … Thanks for sharing. Cheerz! Dorothy 🙂

    • Dorothy, I am familiar with the Rossini! I’ve been trying to teach it to Giuseppe Verdi, my overly operatically melodramatic kitty and possibly Jelly Bean, who has the right purrrsonality to accompany; Mr. Sunshine just rolls his eyes. I am a soprano, though not operatically so unless I were a mezzo, but I’ve tried singing along with this myself in a collection of “cat music”. How fun to have an operatic mother!

  • The fog comes
    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches,
    and then moves on. – Carl Sandburg

    Not literally about a cat, but I love the imagery.

    • Vicki, I think this is one all of us learned, and I still remember it, much the same imagery as Eliot used (thought that was a critical opinion I only formed many years after reading Sandburg). Sandburg was another cat lover, though not at the level of Eliot cats still appear as characters and images in his work.


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