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Daily Photo and Video: Mariposa’s Exciting Bathtime Adventures

tabby and white cat at screen door
Mariposa’s Bathtime Adventures!

Are you ready for 4:33 of exciting cuteness from Mariposa and her Big White Mittens? She was giving herself and all her long fur a great bath in the sun just inside the basement door but there was so much excitement she really couldn’t stay with bathtime—

a bug!

a thing under the door!

she almost caught the thing!

the thing got away!

a bird!

Hamlet wouldn’t help her!

she almost got the thing again!

I recorded a narration of what might be her thoughts as she’s playing out her adventures. I whispered it so you may need to turn up the volume so you can hear the narration.

Mariposa is about the cutest thing with fur, and I’ve lived with a lot of cute things with fur most of my life, so be prepared. And if there was ever any doubt that an open door with a screen (reinforced pet-safe screen) at ground level was a purrfect source of enrichment for a cat, Mariposa will demonstrate otherwise!

Lots of sweet everyday memories and some sweet memories below!

From around this date in past years

Photo Roundup, 2020

“My sister!” Mariposa exclaimed.

Mariposa being adorable last week, on April 28. You know I’m busy when I don’t share one as sweet as that! I haven’t been posting to focus on my Virtual Open House, and then I had issues on three websites that my Isp couldn’t resolve, but I think we finally did. Everything has kind of suffered in that time, my blogs and my open house, and some free time to be outside and so on. I totally miss posting, so I’m back with it. My Virtual Open House will go on this week with what I have up and some new items I’ll be able to post, and then I’ll continue posting new things.

Most exciting, I’ve been enjoying a clean and fresh camera! This will be the last post of all photos from my cell phone, and likely you won’t see too many after this. I missed my camera, and we’ve been getting reacquainted, meaning I’ve been taking gigabytes of photos. But you’ll enjoy them.

I’ll start here with April 26 and work my way through the end of the month.

“Yay! Catnip muffins!”

Da boys and Bella are ready.

Rolling on warm concrete Mimi gets herself into some interesting positions! April 27

Rolling on warm concrete Mimi gets herself into some interesting positions! April 26

My dogwood is blooming in the rain. April 26

Mimi poses with the forget-me-nots while supurrvising a full day of yard work yesterday. So nice to be outdoors in the sun and fresh air while working hard cleaning up–in some cases things that have waited several years–and getting the garden ready, and totally appreciating my new bionic hip. Today it’s raining, settling in the seeds and transplants. April 26

Mewsette will have a healthy snack now.
She just took that wild piece of lettuce and shook it until it stopped struggling. Such a fierce hunter. April 27


Mr. Sunshine wants to know just exactly who the black cat in the picture is. An important predecessor, Mr. Sunshine. April 27


This delicate feather balanced all winter on a round of honeysuckle vine on my deck rail, fluttering in cold wind and soaking up the morning sun. It reminds me of a lot of bleak winter mornings when I wasn’t sure what would happen next and looked out the door for guidance, and saw the little feather, reliably waving on the honeysuckle vine. I set it free when I removed the honeysuckle and planted herbs in the pots, but I miss checking in with it. April 27

After I featured Jelly Bean last #whiskerwednesday Mariposa very carefully arranged her pose to show off her whiskers and absolute cuteness. Really, how did she learn to pose like this growing up as a feral cat? Guess she’s a natural! April 27

>Just a little more of Mariposa’s absolute cuteness, rolling around and playing with her “sister” in the mirror.April 27


Sienna wants to know why I’m not inside petting her on tortie thursday . I’m trying to, sweetie, there’s a window in the way! April 28

Cuddling on a rainy afternoon with your big soft fur sister. Hamlet is pretty pleased. April 29

Mimi surveys her domain and finds it boring. But she is the purrfect silhouette. April 30


From around this date in past years

Pretty Studio Kitty, 2019

Such a pretty studio kitty.
Such a pretty studio kitty.

Such a pretty studio kitty. Mariposa is non-stop cute and sweet and pretty.


Photos from previous years.

Mewsette, 2018

Mewsette on the Table
Mewsette on the Table

Big fluffy Mewsette enjoys a sunbath on the table. I didn’t know whether to pet her plushy fur or stand back and photograph her, so I did both. She looks a little annoyed because I’d stopped petting her to take another photo. So I went back to pet her some more.


What other photos have I shared on this date?


We Are Not Amused, 2017

We are not amused.
We are not amused.

Mimi has found the old park bench to be an appropriate place from which to view her domain. I think she felt Mewsette was just a little too silly with her antics in the back yard when she joined us again, below. Isn’t she beautiful?

Mewsette joined us again.
Mewsette joined us again.

But she started out making funny faces while downloading her pee mail.

That's some message!
That’s some message!

And then, most horrifying of all, she engaged in her pole dance routine. Somehow she always manages to find her way to the clothes pole in the patio by the basement door.

Mewsette's poledance routine.
Mewsette’s poledance routine.

In the meantime, Mimi found another use for her bench. What a great scratcher!

A great cat scratcher!
A great cat scratcher!

And I had posted these photos on Instagram first because the server at my internet host has been having issues for the past few weeks and is being replaced, so sometimes when I have the time to post the server is interminably slow and I just have to give up. But I visualize some of the photos I’ve taken even with my DSLR with Instagram filters. I liked the one of Mimi on the bench filtered but often Instagram reduces the resolution so I worked out how to achieve the same effect in Photoshop. That’s the photo at the top, below is the original photo where I think she stand out more. I like them both! Maybe it’s just because I like Mimi.

We are not amused without the "filter".
We are not amused without the “filter”.


What other photos have I shared on this date?


Pewter Kitty, 2016

Pewter Kitty.
Pewter Kitty.

This photo of Ophelia just happened to work out cropped this way. She looks almost abstract, so I removed the color from all but her amber eye.I see some designs coming from this.

What other photos have I shared on this date?


Good Morning! 2015
Good Morning!
Good Morning!

The light is great on these early spring mornings before the sun angles upward and the trees sprout their leaves. Poor felines have to wait for their breakfast until I’m done taking pictures! Well, thy just have to work for their food. I know that goes against all felines stand for, but I really think they enjoy the attention they get from it!

From the left, Mr. Sunshine is turned around and bathing himself behind Giuseppe, then Mimi and Bean are in some sort of a little conversation, Bella is next to Bean and Mewsette is washing the top of her head. Bella and Mewsette have been spending some girl time together with little naps and grooming and also wrestling and wild chases around the house.

The fun part for me at mealtime, though, is trying to get a photo with all seven, which is usually not possible because not only is the cabinet a little too small, but they are very busy while they wait—the conditions outside the doors and windows must be monitored and all corners, nooks and crannies of the kitchen must be inspected, so there’s a lot of coming and going and jumping up and down. One of these days I’ll get a video, but having only two hands it’s difficult. They watch me from the cabinet because I am rinsing their dishes in hot water to warm them. Their food comes from the refrigerator and the warm dish helps to bring it to room temperature more quickly, helps the scent of it rise up to their noses, and just makes the meal more enjoyable for them. Then, most exciting, I am putting their food in the bowls and adding things like a probiotic or a supplement depending on the food, and always a little extra warm water, and it smells really good. It takes all their good manners to keep from jumping into the sink and onto the counter and onto me, but they are very, very good kitties.

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Bath, Interrupted keepsake box.

Mariposa was born to meowdel. Find her and more of my fine felines on keepsake boxes made from upcycled hand-embellished cigar boxes. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

6 thoughts on “Daily Photo and Video: Mariposa’s Exciting Bathtime Adventures

  • A cat never finds a dull moment. And every moment is one to use to the full, be it play, eat, clean, nap or repeat.
    Lovely video showing just that.

    • Absolutely. I love to watch cats just be cats and watch their imagination at play. I think that’s why we all get along so well here. I tend to be steadily involved in things too and they’ve always seemed to feel very comfortable with that.

  • 15andmeowing

    Awww… she is adorable.

    • She really is, it’s almost impossible to get things done some days.

  • Brian's Home ~ Forever

    Such a cute photo and a fun video with that cute paw popping out!

    • That was what got me, those big white mittens under the door!


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