Wednesday, May 8, 2024
black catscat photographsdaily photomr. sunshine

Daily Photo: What is Mr. Sunshine Thinking?

Mr., Sunshine thinking
Mr., Sunshine thinking

Mr. Sunshine is not quite the intellectual Mewsette is but he has his moments of deep thought, probably about something to do with tools or engineering some household project. Maybe sitting in the sunshine makes them sit and think, since sitting in the sunshine is part of both scenarios, it makes them drowsy, and so it seems his thoughts are the same as Mewsette’s were the other day.

Sunshine's big yawn.
Sunshine’s big yawn.

Now that’s a good one, ears folded back and all! Now let’s relax a little.



Photos posted on or around this date in previous years


Eight Black Cats and the Garbage Truck Monster, 2017

Garbage truck monster is outside the house.
Garbage truck monster is outside the house.

Breakfast was interrupted by the irregular appearance of the garbage truck monster. Seven black cats are huddling on the cabinet while brave Bella goes to the window. All survived.

Last Friday

Mimi guards the porch.
Mimi guards the porch.

Well, I made it through most of last week with posts, then abruptly stopped on Friday afternoon. I had a field trip on Saturday which you’ll read about in another post. Mimi and I had little time outside last week after we found the little one in the back yard. By Friday Mimi was barely speaking to me, and I really need my little breaks outdoors to exercise my body and my eyes and recharge my creative batteries by just going outdoors for a few minutes and activities once or twice a day. So I decided we could visit our little courtyard out front for a while, until the little one is safely walking around, though I do have two little videos from a few days before the fawn showed up in this post as well.

Now that’s a cat tree!
Mimi the tree hugger. We are out front for a while because of the little one in the back yard.

Now that's a cat tree!
Now that’s a cat tree!

My river birches, evening light. What Mimi is scratching on.

River birches.
River birches.

Standing on my feet. Mimi has some interesting ways of showing me she’s happy.

Happy Mimi.
Happy Mimi.

Welcome Kitty says, “Have a purrfect evening.”

Welcome Kitty.
Welcome Kitty.

Mimi says, “Surely you’re not considering getting up?”

You're not going in yet are you?
You’re not going in yet are you?

The Wrens

Mimi and I approach our woodland garden and suddenly the mulberry tree is filled with what seems like dozens of squawking wrens! They must have had fledglings on the ground. We stopped and watched the show.

The Catbird Talks to Mimi

I have no idea what she was saying, but Mimi was listening intently.


Photos posted on or around this date in previous years


The Magic Grapes Box, 2016

Hamlet in the grapes box.
Hamlet in the grapes box.

“I’m going to nap in the grapes box, okay?” Hamlet is pushing his boundaries, and feeling very brave. The grapes box has magic in it.

Everyone has been taking their turn in the grapes box. Somehow, frightened and feral kitties don’t feel so wild in the box, and they play and nap. It’s just an arm’s length from my chair at my desk downstairs, so all I need to do is turn my head and see a wonderful image.

Above is Hamlet, below is Bella. She got a few more comments and likes on Facebook, but both of them got plenty

“Bella gets some time in the grapes box too, and of course she is CAT 1.”

Bella in the grapes box.
Bella in the grapes box.

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Deliciously Lazy

Ophelia was deliciously lazy today.
Ophelia was deliciously lazy today.

Ophelia was deliciously lazy today. Note that she is resting her head on the end of her tail.

She has been adjusting well lately. Hamlet was moving faster than her, and far more confident, while she was often timid and hiding, but friendly when she felt safe in a familiar room. But this fourth try at letting them out most of the day has finally done well for her. She explores the house carefully, and she does run from me when downstairs, but she always returns to her familiar space upstairs and is very friendly, as sweet as can be, so precious it’s really hard for me not to scoop her up and hug her, but she would be terrified. I must control myself and not squeeze the floofy. But I did pet the belly, which she loves.

Shared on Facebook

Cats have such difficult lives. The four siblings are trying to decide where to nap today.


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Daily Photo Reprise: Mewsette in the Mirror, 2012
black cat in mirror with lace curtain
Mewsette in the Mirror, diffuse glow applied, leaving only the most important areas.

Diffuse glow...

Mewsette settles here every day after breakfast, quietly reflecting in the sun. In the brilliant yellow morning light the photo looks as if it’s sepia-toned but it’s not, that’s just the natural tones in Mewsette, in the old cream lace curtain, the antique gold mirror frame, even the pine wood of the wardrobe. The mirror is very old and slightly clouded, pitted here and there.

She still does this, nearly every morning, summer and winter, and I’m getting a number of lovely photos of her here again this year.

I decided to try out a few of my favorite filter techniques on this one, and I think I see a series of cards growing out of Mimi and Mewsette here at the top of the stairs, Mimi in the Mirror, Mimi and Don’t You Wonder What They Think?. Yes, it was a wonderful idea, read more about it, below!

Let me know which of these three you like best: at the top is the “diffuse glow” filter, immediately below is the original photos and below that a feathered and textured cream edge.

black cat in front of round mirrir with lace curtain
Mewsette in the mirror, unretouched though it looks like a natural sepia.

Feathered and textured cream edge…

photo of black cat in mirror
Mewsette in the Mirror with a diffused and slightly patterned cream-colored edge.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

Blue Pitcher With Cat
Blue Pitcher With Cat

I have to say, I do like it, Mr. Sunshine, subtle, almost abstract. I have some talented cats here. I do like the photos that show all the assets of my beautiful cats, but I also like the abstract shots that happen to have a cat in them in a very artful way.

Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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