Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Daily Photo: Today’s Array

four black cats
Smokie and Bella are ready, but they aren’t sure what for.

This was today’s array of fine felines in the kitchen. Mimi and Giuseppe are there because they wanted a little time with me as I made lunch. Smokie and Bella are there because Mimi and Giuseppe are there. Smokie and Bella aren’t sure why they are there or what they are supposed to do or if something is supposed to happen, but the lead ninja teacher Giuseppe-sensei is there and they are happy to do whatever Giuseppe does, and they have absolute respect for Mimi. I have no counter space to work on, and I ate lunch standing up.

Below, it looks as if the human may do something interesting.

four black cats
We’re ready!

“Give me some of something!” meows an impatient Smokie. “Shut up, you little idiot, you’ll ruin everything!” says Bella.

four black cats
Bella says, “Shut up you little idiot!”

Maybe we’re just supposed to have a nap?

four black cats
Maybe it’s nap time.

What other photos did I feature on this date?


Wordless Wednesday: Cuddles, 2013
three black cats sleeping
Sunshine, Mewsette and Giuseppe on my desk.

. . . . . . .

A Secret Cat Bed, 2012
black cat in drawer
Bean enjoys his secret cat bed.

Jelly Bean discovered a well-hidden secret. Inside that big cabinet that all cats have spent much time on and around is a secret cat bed! Jelly Bean made his amazing discovery while his human was attempting to put away the laundry. She even had the nerve to ask him to remove himself from his newly-found treasure after he had spent quite some time preparing the dishtowels to his liking and then having a quick face wash before settling in for a long afternoon nap. What was that about “your weight”, and “it wasn’t intended to have a cat in it”? What kind of a house would a cat live in that had things that cats weren’t meant to be in? It’s the perfect size and shape for a Bean!

Browse some rescued cats and kittens!


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in using one in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of this image or a product including this image, check my Etsy shop or Fine Art America profile to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

© 2014 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski


Weekly schedule of features:
Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life
Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters
Tuesday: Rescue Stories
Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork
Thursday: New Merchandise
Friday: Bok Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy
Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats
And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!






From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

7 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Today’s Array

  • Love the looks of anticipation!
    The expressions on the young kitties is so intense,
    while Giuseppe has the 1000 yard stare that says “I would like some of that”
    Yup. Cats on “their” counter 😉

    • Giuseppe knows he’s not getting anything, but it’s worth a try, Georgia and Julie!

  • “I have no counter space to work on, and I ate lunch standing up.” I really, honestly, did laugh out loud. Laughing with you, not at you. Because I’ve been there.

    • Oh, Harry, I’m sure you don’t let your cats up on your counters! 😉

      • Oh, of course not. They do sometimes allow me to prepare my food on *their* counters, however.
        (PS – whoever said cat’s can’t taste sweet things has never seen a cat devour a pecan pie.)

        • And there isn’t much sweeter than a pecan pie, either, Harry!


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