Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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Daily Photo: Let’s Look at Some Cute Kittens


Yes, let’s look at some kitten photos! This litter of five fluffballs will be available for adoption from Pittsburgh C.A.T. very soon. But for now, just enjoy their sweetness. Above is Murphy, nearly the biggest and definitely the fluffiest of them all. I just wanted to dig my fingers into that fur and snuffle him!

You can probably tell I’ve been busy since I’ve missed whole weeks of posting. Part of it has been an excess of work, never a bad thing, and Tax Day, which turned out okay.

But with the incessant winter, cold weather, late snows, and on time kittens, I’ve been involved in a number of rescues too, and while most have had happy endings there’ve been some losses. Kittens can always make that better. I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had the time to write these stories, and some are ongoing, but that’s my goal for the coming week.

Last December a friend asked me if I could help her with her household of about 20 cats, far more than she could keep, and most were not spayed and neutered. Most were young, less than two, with a number of kittens, and most were interrelated. I am so glad she asked for help, and from January to now I’ve helped her with food and litter, spays and neuters, surrenders to shelters safely where all were adopted, one kitten is getting critical care, and this litter of kittens, born just about New Year’s Day, is nearly ready for adoption. Their foster, who handles a huge number of kittens, can use some help with photos and really, try to keep me away!

Below is Patrick, and he’d like to know if you can help him with something.


And then there are the girls, Maeve…


…and Maura. They arrived with the foster close enough to St. Patrick’s Day, hence the Gaelic names.


Poor Finnegan, the largest but not as fluffy as Murphy, was terrified of my camera! The foster’s granddaughter does an excellent job helping grandma with the kittens.


And get ready for this one—this is what they looked like in January when I first met them at one week old. They looked like little marshmallows with spots!

This litter of kittens at one week old.
This litter of kittens at one week old.

Whew! It’s hard to think about anything but cute kittens sometimes! Updates to come. If by chance you are interested in one or more of these kittens, please fill out an application with Pittsburgh C.A.T.: https://tinyurl.com/pghcatapp and you can actually pre-adopt!


What other photos have I shared on this date?


Mystery Mewsette, 2017

Mystery Mewsette
Mystery Mewsette

I love it when I have such high contrast that simple scenes become abstract. I can picture this line of light as chalk on black paper, or a scratchboard.

As Mewsette turned her attention more details emerged.

Looking at Me
Looking at Me

And then the profile with whiskers.

Looking Up
Looking Up


What other photos have I shared on this date?


Flower Celebration, 2013

I still feel good!
I still feel good!

Oh my, the sun was good stuff! A nice warm weathered wooden step and a rough sturdy concrete flower pot! What could be a better find!

We didn’t have much time outside yesterday so I tried to make up for it today. Unfortunately for Mimi she had her harness and leash to drag around the yard and it just wasn’t as fun, but with her feeling better, and me distracted by flowers suddenly blooming, I’d rather have a little had on what she decides to do. I’m just so excited she is maintaining how she feels.

Below is just a really good face rub on the concrete pot. I love to watch them rub their faces on things like this–you can tell it feels really good!

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Don’t tell Mimi I told you this, but she really got carried away and rolled right off that step she was on! That’s how good she felt.

I got so many nice photos of her today that I’m going to share a few more tomorrow, but it seems this ladder is now a permanent stop on the daily tour of the back yard. She looks lovely up there! And she’s out of the sun too–important with a black cat that they don’t get over heated.

Mimi on the ladder today--this is a regular stop on the yard tour.
Mimi on the ladder today–this is a regular stop on the yard tour.

Below she watches me skeptically…I am doing something very strange, she thinks, or perhaps I am just being who I am, but I am enjoying what I am doing as much as she enjoyed the roll and rub on the step and flower pot.

Mimi is a little concerned about my activities.
Mimi is a little concerned about my activities.

Flowers have been blooming daily, and today the bleeding hearts bloomed. It is an essential plant in my memorial garden for obvious reasons, and this is a replacement of the one I lost a few years ago. I was concerned I’d lost this one too after this odd winter, but the leaves sprouted only last week and here is the little row of unique little heart-shaped purses. The flowers are different on this plant than the former ones, but still interesting and pretty as I rolled around in all directions to get the best angle on the plant. The plant is so ephemeral, vivid and vital for only a few weeks, then the flower stems die back, and then the plant dies back, all in just a month.

Bleeding hearts at my memorial area.
Bleeding hearts at my memorial area.

For a little more about my memorial garden read “Of Flowers and Memorial Day” and for a little more information about the symbolism of the flowers I have in my yard read “In The Language of Flowers”.

Keep an eye on my photo blog Today for more flowers!

. . . . . . .

From a few years ago, same day…


“I Don’t Like What He Has To Say”, 2012
black cat sniffing green leaves
Mimi checks this particular message.

We have a huge forsythia. It’s bigger than my car, big enough for lots of little birds to settle in on a winter’s day while awaiting a chance at the feeder, and big enough around that it covers a lot of ground.

Which, in a neighborhood of outdoor cats, means a lot of messaging, in the feline manner. I used to say this forsythia was like a chat room, but now perhaps it’s more like Facebook, or maybe Twitter. How much can you say in a quick little stream of pee? I’d say 140 characters is about right.

And the forsythia is like a public computer, or a series of networked public computers, or perhaps it’s like the WiFi in Starbucks or Panera where everyone gathers and logs on and checks their messages, as Mimi is above, and correspond with others, though hopefully they don’t do it in the feline manner or it would really screw up someone’s laptop.

black cat flehmen
Mimi considers the message.

Mimi takes a moment to think about the message she’s just received. She is exhibiting the “flehmen response” wherein cats get a fuller sense of a scent by allowing it to pass by an organ in the roof of the mouth as well as into their nasal passages. This is common with cats of all species and breeds, but is not limited to cats. Mimi is understanding what animal it was, how long ago it passed by here, possibly its state of health, and a few other things a spayed cat shouldn’t care about. As for her blank-eyed, open-mouthed expression, I’ve seen people look this way after reading texts and e-mails as well.

black cat peeking from leaves
“I don’t like what he has to say.”

I’ve also seen this look after humans have read certain messages. Mimi is tiny and delicate, but she makes up for it with her eyes and her postures. I would not want to read her blistering reply, if she indeed deigned to send one.

. . . . . . .

And today’s photos on Facebook…

Whew! Got this week’s orders packed and in the mail with a lot of feline assistance and supervision last night and this morning! Mimi sits in the mail basket and wants to know why we just can’t skip this step and go outside now? Bella organizes the paperwork. Bella is very organized. She’s kind of a type A kitty, if there is such a thing. Except when she’s done working and napping in Mimi’s favorite sunny spot and Mimi has to wake her up and make her share. And Mewsette, Giuseppe and Jelly Bean cover my chair in the studio making sure I don’t sit down and therefore I do get the work done. Now Mimi and I are headed out to the back yard to celebrate how well she feels. See you later! Have a great day!

Mimi sits in the mail basket and wants to know why we just can't skip this step and go outside now?
Mimi sits in the mail basket and wants to know why we just can’t skip this step and go outside now?
Bella organizes the paperwork. Bella is very organized. She's kind of a type A kitty, if there is such a thing.
Bella organizes the paperwork. Bella is very organized. She’s kind of a type A kitty, if there is such a thing.
Except when she's done working and napping in Mimi's favorite sunny spot and Mimi has to wake her up and make her share.
Except when she’s done working and napping in Mimi’s favorite sunny spot and Mimi has to wake her up and make her share.
And Mewsette, Giuseppe and Jelly Bean cover my chair in the studio making sure I don't sit down and therefore I do get the work done.
And Mewsette, Giuseppe and Jelly Bean cover my chair in the studio making sure I don’t sit down and therefore I do get the work done.

Art and Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


The Spring Kitten from Portraits of Animals!

"The Spring Kitten" linoleum block print on rice paper, black ink and hand-colored with watercolors
“The Spring Kitten” linoleum block print on rice paper, black ink and hand-colored with watercolors

Almost everywhere I’ve lived there has been a quince bush, an old-fashioned favorite for its early bright pink flowers—so early, in fact, that the bush in my neighbor’s yard in the years when Sally was young bloomed every year during the January thaw, and then snow would fall on the bright pink blooms, nestling in the curve of the branches like Sally when she’d found a good cozy spot.

Read more and order.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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Subscribe to The Creative Cat Preview E-newsletter.

© 2022 | www.TheCreativeCat.net | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

2 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Let’s Look at Some Cute Kittens

  • Edie Chase

    I am sure those kittens will find their forever homes soon. That’s great that your friend asked you for help, it can get overwhelming very quickly. Your kitties are doing a good job, making sure that you can’t use your chair, they know you need to get some work done.

    • Thanks for visiting, Edie! The kids are letting me use my chair today, so I can answer comments.


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