Saturday, May 4, 2024
Bellablack catscatsdaily photofoster cats

Daily Photo: The Fruit, It’s Behind Me

black cat with fruit bowl
The fruit, it’s right behind me, isn’t it?

Bella always manages to look a little started and even suspicious no matter the occasion. But sometimes I think it’s a ploy.

I was probably looking a little startled too when the she stopped her bath and sat back, round pale green eyes glowing from her fur and the brilliant colors of the sunlit fruit in the bowl. I could hardly grab my camera fast enough! If she had a goal to get attention, she was successful.


From Instagram

Breakfast on the deck. Mimi enjoys the leftover milk from my cereal outside instead of in the kitchen. Destined to become a warm weather trend. Either way her intensity is too cute.

Peonies just pushed through the soil about 10 days ago, suddenly they’re 18 in tall with buds with ants crawling on them already. How quickly spring spreads its joy once it takes hold.


So many bees in the lunaria flowers! It’s a little hard to see them flying around–I counted 10 at one point. I ended up with a closeup of two of them.


I have more carpenter bees than regular bumblebees, but they do the work of pollinating just as well. Lunaria isn’t a native species but it blooms early and profusely and when the sun warms the blossoms it seems like all the insects can smell the flowers.

And the color is an absolute feast for the eyes! They seed themselves and sprout and grow wherever suits their needs.

This is my front yard where Little Mimi Cat was headed in the video I shared yesterday. She actually walked right through them yesterday–I’ll have that video shared soon!


From the Back Yard and Beyond

A Spring Feast


From around this date in past years

Midnight Louie’s Got the Cute Moves, 2022

black cat on windowsill
Midnight Louie owns the head tilt.

Thjs guy has got the head tilt. And the big round hopeful eyes, and the cute little chirps and tail twirls and heavy-duty face rubs. He may not have the big, swaggering confidence of Simba, but he is quietly irresistible. He is so unbearably cute sometimes I can hardly contain myself. When I sit at my drafting table to paint or do other work, he settles on my lap with his head under my chin. One of these days I’ll have to get a selfie of us. But one thing for sure, he figures out right away what’s going to get my attention and hold onto it.


From around this date in past years

That Scary Neighbor, 2021

black cat watching
Mewsette is completely hidden behind the garlic and grasses.

Mewsette enjoys her time in the back yard with her mom each day, but sometimes…there’s a scary neighbor in the next yard. You can see that Mewsette can’t be seen behind her clever screen of grasses and wild garlic fronds. She is watching this suspicious man who is quietly developing a little patio and garden in his back yard.

Feeling a little safer back up on the deck, Mewsette wraps her tail around a deck picket and keeps an eye on his activities, now through the tops of the forsythia bush.

black cat watching
Got to keep an eye on that neighbor.

He is not a scary man, in fact he is a cat man! And he is very quiet and nice and loves to watch my kitties in the yard. But as of yet, Mewsette can’t be convinced. Even her mother can’t quite convince her it’s okay, but the fact that Mewsette is still outside watching him is progress.

black cat watching
That neighbor is right there.

So while Mewsette is still keeping an eye on that neighbor, Mimi has some plans for a little fun.

black cat on railing
Mimi walks the railing.

She loves to walk around on the deck railing. Cookie walked around on the deck railing when she was 17 too, and I feel Mimi is still balanced enough for this to be safe. She really enjoys walking around on just this section for now. As I clear off the deck and it’s easier to move around we’ll see how she feels about the other side. So after her own wanderings in the yard and calming Mewsette, then her walk on the railing, Mimi was ready for a nap. Or purrhaps that spot was just the right temperature for a nap, sleepy or not.

black cat napping in sun
Being precious is tiring.

Now that I have most of a fence, I feel confident to let the girls walk around without leashes in the back yard. I am always with both of them and also watching and listening for any potential problems. At this point they are only outside for about 15 minutes. Later, as the temperatures rise, they may want to stay outside longer, and then they’ll need their leashes. Right now, I photograph them and watch what they do, then when they go in I try to get some work in outdoors. As my time loosens up a little more, I’ll spend a little more time outside. But I know I’m distracted so we’ll have to decide if they stay outside on leashes, or go indoors while I work and come back outside later. But I’m so pleased to have the back yard in the condition it’s in so we can enjoy it.

Below, humble chickweed, one of the wild plants I photographed while following the girls around the yard. I love tiny white flowers.


This Week’s Update

Last week through Wednesday, I finished my 10 days feeding Denise’s colony of 12+ at the top of the hill plus the handsome Maxi—photos coming soon; trapped a kitty on Tuesday night—story was supposed to be last week but will be tomorrow; and prepared entries for art and writing contests. Now that I’m caught up with the work that didn’t get done last week, I can get back to posting, and hope to keep it going!


From Instagram


Last Friday: Basil is always reliable for an amusing morning #blep, or should I be concerned about what’s hovering above my head?

Sienna has a heart-to-heart with Preppy Kitty.

Today, which is National Cat Lady Day! “Your chair? Note that ‘cat’ comes before ‘lady’ in ‘cat lady’.”

Though I detest the whole “cat lady” myth, I don’t mind sharing photos of me with my cats.

#catlady wakeup. The reality. “I realized upon awakening that I was being used as a fort.”

A cartoon I sketched based on real events. From 2012.

cartoon of cats and woman sleeping
“I realized as soon as I awoke…” technical drawing pen © B.E. Kazmarski

Somebody wants attention. #catladylife A sketch from life as Giuseppe tried to convince me. From 2013.

distorted closeup sketch of cat
“Giuseppe In My Face”, charcoal and pastel on pastel paper, 7″ x 5″ © Bernadette E. Kazmarski


From the Back Yard and Beyond

A sweet collection of spring flowers, though often they are each considered pests, grape hyacinth, persian speedwell, dandelion and bright green grass. The color combination is a rich eyeful on a bright spring morning after a long winter of snow and overcast skies. They were growing in my neighbor’s yard, conveniently at eye level as I walked up the street to feed Denise’s colony.


From around this date in past years

Silly Cats, 2020

two black cats
Bella and Sunshine

Bella snuggles with her Sunshine. She was having an excessively silly day last Friday.

two black cats
Bella and Sunshine again.

A closeup of the action.

black cat
Bella having a silly day.

Meanwhile, the whole picture. Looks like Jelly Bean lost this round of musical baskets and has to wait until someone wakes up to try again.

cats in baskets
Musical baskets.

\Walking on the wall is a thing now. Glad I’ve provided Mimi with some new amusement.

black cat on wall
Mimi on her wall again.

She appears delicate but she is not. Even in an unexpected snow with icy winds the yellow tulip is dignified and elegant. Nature has so many lessons.

the yellow tulip
My yellow tulip.

And then Saturday…

white car
My new used car!

So this happened today.

Thank you to everyone who helped me get this car! Who bought things from me, shared my posts and my website, drove me around or let me borrow their car in the past four months, understood when I couldn’t get somewhere, asked if I needed anything, and picked up things I needed. Getting this car has had so many hurdles to jump in just the past two days let alone the past four months and more. When we’re supposed to be limiting travel and social distancing I wasn’t even sure I could buy a car right now!

Thanks to my friend Bill for driving me 100 miles to get this car today. Thanks to Mike for taking such good care of this car so I could have it right now when I need it and it doesn’t need a thing fixed and has a full tank of gas, and for being one of the most honest sellers I’ve ever met, and for finding the nicest notary and helping me figure things out when I discovered I’d forgotten my license plate and insurance and my debit card didn’t work as expected. (No thanks to the hacker of my other debit card who almost made me call the whole thing off!)

Years ago, after college, I had no license and no car and wanted no parts of either one, but life isn’t always like that. Going months without a car in these uncertain times and around my hip surgery was really pretty scary, I just never felt safe. I’m so grateful this worked out well and I met some really nice people along the way, and when things open up again I’ve got the car to help me get to vendor events, and rescue cats!

And yet…

Mimi says, “Car schmar, I need my outdoor enrichment time.” Mimi on her wall, and more little rainbows, the purrfect angle of the evening sun to lovely effect.

black cat on wall
Mimi on her wall.

From around this date in past years

Happy Jelly Bean Day!, 2019

Jelly Bean with jelly beans.
Still life with cat and jelly beans.

Because of a certain colorful candy Jelly Bean thinks it’s all about him. Whichever holiday you observe today, we hope you have a blessed celebration with family and friends and lots of good food.

And because I can never take only one photo once I get going, here are a few more photos of Jelly Bean with his namesake. Yes, jelly beans can be a choking hazard for cats, and if they manage to eat them can cause some gastric upset, but no cats or beans were harmed in this photo shoot. Hard to believe these photos are from 2013!

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine ArtPhotographyGiftsGreeting CardsBooksCommissioned Portraits & Artwork

oil pastel sketch of cat looking out window
“Cat With Fruit”, oil pastel, 7″ x 5″ © Bernadette E. Kazmarski

This is what is known as a “paintbomb”, kind of like a “photobomb”. Mimi did this to me last week but I did not paint her. When Jelly Bean decided to join the still life I was sketching, I decided to stop the other painting and sketch Bean. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

6 thoughts on “Daily Photo: The Fruit, It’s Behind Me

  • mochasmysteriesandmeows

    Cereal milk is always a favorite with kitties!

    • Absolutely! Mimi has always gotten it first before all her children and any fosters because she had rank as the oldest, and she doesn’t share!

  • A ton of cute pictures. I love the fruit too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

    • Some days must be special through the years, this one is really special! Thanks for visiting!

  • Brian's Home ~ Forever

    Love those pretty eyes! Our Simon always has that startled look too!


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