Monday, May 20, 2024
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Daily Photo: October Welcome Kitties

cats and wildflowers
October welcome kitties.

Mimi and Welcome Kitty pose with the wildflowers of the season to welcome you to our home.


From Instagram

Mimi is trying to teach her “kitten” to follow.

In her younger life, Mimi did have about six litters of kittens. Not after she came to me! But she still retains a bit of that bossy momcat business. It’s a beautiful autumn afternoon on the front porch, lots of sun and breezes, leaves falling, flowers and plants are still colorful, a great day to spend a few minutes outdoors.

Sooo much to share! I’m starting with a video from today, then my event on Saturday, then the photos from Friday to today.

I didn’t get a chance to announce this here except for mentioning it in a post, but the manager of PetPeople store in Green Tree invited me to be part of a Cat Celebration Day. I suggested October 16, which is Feral Cat Day and Global Cat Day, and we were on. This is also the store that gives me donated food that I can share with fosters and community cats, and it’s the same manager and many employees who worked there when it was Pet Valu. I’m so glad to be able to stay with such nice people.

“We’ve got our cat ears on today at PetPeople in Greentree, celebrating #feralcatday, and #globalcatday! So many nice people, lots of dogs, and a few adventure kitties too! Long haired tortie Alley is up for adoption from Animal Advocates. Right now she’s their shop cat at their thrift shop in the West End. Buff kitty Mingo met young Mia the Dachshund–Mingo lives with two dogs and they friends were right away. Should be here until 3 or 4.”



Meet Noctis, small enough to fit in the sleeve of his foster’s sweater along with his foster’s hand! I met this little bean yesterday at PetPeople, and his foster works at the store.

When someone says they’re bottle feeding a tiny kitten, cat rescuers immediately perk up their pointy ears and have a list of questions ready. First on my list was, “Have you ever bottle-fed a neonatal kitten before?” Followed by: there’s usually a mom and kittens, did anyone look? What are you feeding the kitten? And the list goes on. It turns out he is an experienced neonatal kitten foster, and answered all the questions correctly.

A few weeks ago a local resident came into the store telling them that she’d found a kitten, a tiny kitten, and honestly, they watched, but there were no moms, no other kittens. They had no idea what to do with it, but they did have a feeling that the people at the store were very well informed about cats and kittens, so they thought they’d start there.

Noctis’ foster volunteers with an organization that gives him support and veterinary care, though he plans to keep Noctis. Because he has to feed Noctis every couple of hours, he brought the kitten to the store so he could take a break and bottle feed the kitten then go back on his shift. He’s been feeding Noctis for the past two weeks and Noctis has had no problems at all being fed, and has met all of his growth benchmarks for a kitten his age. He lets his foster know when he’s ready to eat, and he’s developed little teeth to teethe on his foster’s finger.

And then, starting Friday…

Worth missing nap time for a good program on #CatTV.

You can see the sparrow peeking around the edge of the feeder above Sienna’s head. There’s another that’s flying up toward bird feeder right between the two of them, but it’s very blurry because, obviously, it’s in motion. (Funny to see the window open and know it was actually hot just a few days ago!)

I know I said I’d be back in a little while and then I wasn’t. You should know that about me by now. (I’m forever disappointing my cats. And myself sometimes.)

Grab a box of sun for your morning nap.

We own this place.

From the Garden and Beyond

A Little Waterfall

A little waterfall in a deep ravine.

A Little Waterfall

The sun disappeared as I drove to this park, only 10 minutes away, so my photos were not as expected, but I still enjoyed my time. And arrived back much later than expected, as Basil and Giuseppe noted, above. See more photos and read more here.


From around this date in past years

Sunshine in the Sunshine, 2020

black cat at window
Mr. Sunshine catches the last rays on a warm afternoon.

Mr. Sunshine enjoys the last of the autumn sun on a warm afternoon in my studio. This was taken a while ago, and the dogwood in my neighbor’s yard behind him that is yellowish is now bright red, but it’s time to catch up on activities.

As I’ve been moving things around, getting ready for the new furnace and for winter, and rearranging my studio, Mr. Sunshine has been right alongside me. It points out to me how sedentary I’ve been in the last few years with my hip, and with websites and self-promotion and working to build up my handmade and art sales. Mr. Sunshine is an active in-your-face kind of a cat who likes to work hard and play rough, but I’d been concerned he might be developing some arthritis because he’s been more sedentary too. But as I’ve been working more inside the house rather than outdoors over the summer, he’s been right in the middle of things again, like waterproofing over the weekend. I forget sometimes how much their activity depends on me. They are all self-starters, but Sunshine is definitely a collaborative kind of cat who likes to supurrvise and give advice. He’s not concerned about noises or moving big things, not with me or anyone visiting, including repair persons. So I’m especially glad with my hip repair and house repairs that Sunshine and I can get back to our old working relationship.

But here he’s worked hard and deserves a little nap.

black cat at window
The whole pretty scene.


From Instagram

If anyone gets a message from Mariposa, let me know. Or Sienna.

two cats with keyboard
Mariposa and Sienna are sending messages.

Actually, Sienna had been laying on the keyboard, Mariposa sidled herself in between my hands while I was typing, and settled down on the keyboard. So work was done. Prior to that, Sienna had been stepping back and forth across it, alternately giving me a nose tap with her nose, then turning around and dusting my nose with her tail. Working with cats in the kitchen office. Celebrating #tabbytuesday and #tortoiseshelltuesday.


From around this date in past years

Autumn Sun, 2019

Three girls enjoying the autumn sun.
Three girls enjoying the autumn sun.

Three girls enjoy the autumn sun—it’s the three “M”s, Mariposa, Mimi and Mewsette. Mariposa hopped over as soon as the sun came around to clean all her whites, then Mewsette settled in. Mimi hopped over for a drink from the fountain and decided it was a good spot to sit and enjoy nature for a bit. The sun moves so fast it left Mewsette’s face in shadow. I love to see my cats group together in happy places and do their own thing, together.

From Instagram

Mimi checks out my new planters made from slices of the old hollow maple tree.

Mimi looks into the new maple planter.
Mimi looks into the new maple planter.

Therapycats recharging.

Mimi and the kids had a big day.
Mimi and the kids had a big day.


Photos Shared on Previous Years

Brothers in Profile, 2018


Not only are their profiles very much alike (except their noses most notably) but their expressions and body language are nearly identical. I have no idea what they’re looking at out there, and they were impossible to distract. When they did turn their heads, it was in unison, and then it all fell apart.


From Previous Years

Enjoying a Little Sunshine, 2017

Sleepy Bean
Sleepy Bean

The autumn sun comes into the window to create a nice cozy spot on the cabinet there. I had noticed Hamlet settling there for a few days but not curling up for a nap, and I thought adding a little bed or piece of fleece there would be nice for him. He wasn’t confident about what the fleece was for, but Basil found it right away, and then Bean too. The two of them have been trading naps in that spot as well as napping together for the past few days.

The photos above and below are from two days ago, before the rain. No problem, we like the rain too, especially since it hadn’t rained here in over two weeks. But the sun was oh, so nice.

Settled in.
Settled in.

From Instagram today, though it was cloudy there was a bright patch of sun in the late afternoon. Basil had been napping there and Bean joined him when the sun came out, getting in a quick and satisfying nap.

Jelly Bean and Basil manage to nap in the few minutes of sunshine today.
Jelly Bean and Basil manage to nap in the few minutes of sunshine today.

. . . . . . .

A Simple Composition, 2014
A simple composition.
A simple composition.

All that geometry, and Giuseppe in the middle washing his paw making a nice series of swirls and curves , the paw, the tail, his hips, accented by the multi-colored highlights in his fur. You really never know when you’ll encounter something that is almost abstract, right when you’re walking up the basement steps heading for the kitchen.

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Birdwatching and Baths, 2014
two black cat silhouettes
Smokie and Bella watch a cardinal.

Little birds came to visit the bathroom window just for Smokie and Bella! Smokie is on the left and Bella on the right, and you can see they are totally focused on something to the right of Bella—a juvenile cardinal with just enough red to tell it from the sparrows happily hopping through the pear tree, pussy willow and grapevines snacking on grapes and bugs. (Remember that Smokie’s name is Basil now).

Well, probably they came to visit for the little purple grapes hanging just outside the window but Smokie and Bella were sure they had come for their environmental enrichment. Below the two stare in stereo in another direction at a sparrow at the same activities.

two black cat silhouettes
Smokie and Bella watch a sparrow.

“Don’t feel bad little Smokie, the birdie had to go off and do other things. And why are kittens so dirty and need to be washed all the time?!” says Bella as she licks Smokie’s face.

two black cat silhouettes
Bella gives Smokie a little bath.

I have to admit, this is from last week, and I’m having trouble keeping up with photos. I have so many nice ones! You don’t get much done with kittens around, though!

In fact, today I was downstairs with a customer when I heard shuffling and rattling of the bathroom door, not unusual when big cats try the door regularly trying to get to kitten food and little cats try the door trying to get out. But this time, when I got upstairs, the bathroom door was open and the room was full of adult cats, all five, who had eaten all the kitten food. Kittens were frolicking in my studio.

Tonight the little ones have roam of upstairs and downstairs, but basement is blocked. It’s being thoroughly explored. Mimi is at the top of the steps telling kittens not to pass so that they spend more time downstairs, Jelly Bean is giving encouraging chirps to run and play and Giuseppe is playing with toys with both. Mr. Sunshine swatted a catnip carrot to Bella. Mewsette and Sunshine asked to go into the basement, though, since there was a mouse down there. Later, they asked to come up so I opened the door and Mr. Sunshine hopped up carrying the mouse. Smokie was sure he was seeing things! I put Mr. Sunshine back in the basement with the mouse. They aren’t ready for that yet.

This is what Smokie thinks! olkkkkkkkkkkkkk896

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What other photos did I post on or around this date?


Rescued Kittens, 2013

“Humans are okay.”

A whole bunch of hands were in the rescue of two tiny black kittens today, including the sleepy kitten above. Their sleek and slender black mama cat had taken up residence in a person’s back yard and given birth to four kittens. The person convinced them to move into her screened porch, had the momcat spayed and began to socialize the kittens. I picked up the kittens today to deliver to the person who would foster them, but another cat had apparently stolen two of the kittens. When they show up again, I hope I’ll get the chance to pick them up and deliver them to the foster home also.

black kitten in green towel
Not so sure about this.

“Still not sure about humans.”

The kittens were decidedly unwilling to be caught in the screened porch, but the kitten at the top was far easier than this kitten, above. A little hissy and swatty, and quite wily in eluding me around the chairs and tables and boxes, I slowly built a fort of a wooden shelter and boxes around this kitten until it couldn’t escape. Lots of hisses and flailing and only one bite of many that connected with my finger, soon enough both were in the upended carrier with the door slammed shut. Their mom watched it all from a distance.

black cat
Momcat watches me.

Their foster person, Jennifer, is a veterinary technician at The Cat Clinic in Pittsburgh, and has been fostering for a long time. Who better than someone who has specialized in cats for the past six years? She had them out of the carrier, cuddling the friendlier one then handing that kitten to her husband Jeremy who also cuddled the kitten and had the kitten up on his shoulder and walking down his back in no time, while Jennifer wrapped the hissy kitten in the towel that was in the carrier as a restraint and the kitten relaxed a bit.

woman holding two black kittens
Jennifer with the kittens.

The friendlier kitten is going to be a real star. Adapting immediately from roughing it in a screened porch to settling right onto everyone’s shoulders, this kitten already knows how to deliver the cute kitten head tilt that melts humans on the spot. They are four to five weeks old and it will be a while until they are ready for adoption. It’s so good to know that a bunch of people could work together to make sure they don’t have to live their lives outdoors, and I hope we can pull in the other two kittens some time soon. Thanks to the Homeless Cat Management Team and the Pittsburgh Feral Cat Movement kittens are rescued every day to foster homes, socialized, spayed or neutered and given a great start in life as we look for homes. Nearly all the cats I feature here were rescued in this same way.

black kitten
I’m sooo cute!

These two kittens grew up to be Magic and Raven and they were each adopted in April!

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Mimi’s Morning, 2013
black cat in grass
Mimi contemplates the morning.

Mimi has a quiet moment in the dewy grass during her exploration of the back yard.

Mimi isn’t still for too long when we’re out in the yard—she has quite a lot to accomplish, and she’s never entirely sure how long we’ll be out there. Typically I put on her harness and leash, but for our quick visits out to fill the bird feeders and bird baths, and for me to snap a few early morning photos, she just wears her little bell collar so I can find her—she’s so tiny! The small grassy part of my yard is a meadow habitat which I only mow three or four times a year and the grass grows a little taller and wildflowers and native plants grow freely; in the foreground are violets and buttercups, around Mimi are next year’s forget-me-nots, and behind her are compound leaves of Virginia creeper which will soon turn a brilliant scarlet.

black cat with flowers
Princess Mimi surveys her realm.

We step out onto the deck and while I fill the birdbath and feeders around the railings Mimi explores the deck and waits at the top of the steps until I’m done. When I’m ready, I say, “Okay, let’s go!” and she flies down the steps and leaps across the yard in huge bounds—for a cat Mimi’s size—and over to the picnic table, up on the bench to have a good scratch in one direction, then the other, then back again, her little bell happily jingling; I think it’s her happiest moment of each day. By that time I’ve walked out to the table and she greets me with meows and purrs and her little Mimi dance. It’s something only she and I share, and I know it’s her way, each day, of thanking me for rescuing her. This yard was her food supply but it was not her home, now it all belongs to her.

tortoiseshell cat on deck
Cookie tells me to get a move on.

Then we each do our thing and keep an eye on each other; sometimes I’ll see her heading for the neighbor’s yard where they sometimes let their dog out without her chain and I’ll bring Mimi back, and then other times she’ll come looking for me as I’m crouching down behind a tomato plant with my camera trying to get a good angle on some asters. Our early morning visit is never very long, not long enough for either of us, as we go back inside, but Mimi and I have had our special time together.

black cat on deck
Kublai on the deck waiting for me to head out into the yard, 1994.

It’s also surprising how little the routine has varied from one cat to the next through the years as we’ve headed out the same door to the same deck and yard, even when both Cookie and Namir came outdoors with me, they did the same waiting on the deck for me, then accompanying me around the yard. I guess the members of my feline family have passed it down the generations.

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Overtaken By Beauty, 2012
Beans and Apples

As I posted on Facebook earlier today: I had other plans, but I was just overtaken by a combination of two black cats, green apples, a cobalt blue glass pitcher, and angled autumn sunshine. If I recover from this any time soon, I will post photos. This happens when the sun shines in one of the windows and the cats find it. So I did spend some time sorting photos from this despite other things I had wanted to accomplish today. Above is the one that, at least at the moment, is my favorite of the group. Below is a slideshow of a sampling of all my favorite photos from this session.

I have to say that my cats really are natural models, especially Jelly Bean who moved around here and there and turned his head just so; he’s done this before. Mimi really just wanted to photobomb, as she is so famous for doing, and when I posed on the windowsill with the apples, but not for long enough for me to focus my camera, I kept picking her up and putting her back where I wanted her, with the same result. I rarely try to make them do something though I will encourage them to go to a certain spot and do their thing, and I didn’t want to upset Mimi by making her feel as if she had to do this, but each time I picked her up she was purring harder. She apparently found it a really good time.

These add a complication to a project I’m working on right now, my Black Cat Calendar…I have had a problem narrowing down the photos I’d use, and now this.

This reminds me of a photo shoot I did of Kelly in the spring over several days in approximately the same place, Kelly with Apples and Scale, Kelly with Grapes and Apple, and Kelly with Squashes, and I also did a sketch of Kelly from this time, Kelly with Squashes.

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Art and Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Feline Artwork from Portraits of Animals

The art print and greeting card design.
The art print and greeting card design.

It’s Mimi in her element in a little commissioned painting for CWA. Click here to read more.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

6 thoughts on “Daily Photo: October Welcome Kitties

  • 15andmeowing

    They are all such beautiful kitties.

  • Now that’s a most wonderful welcoming kitty committee!

  • I’m glad you like it! I’m pleased enough with this photo and the others (in the post on my photo website), but without more light you are missing so much detail, and the colors in the trees would have danced. Here’s information about ordering:

    PS: Sorry I forgot the burd warning.

  • noctis; all de veree veree ebst two ewe wee small dood… blessingz oh st francis two ewe

    everee onez lookin grate; mimi; ewe outshine thoz flowerz ♥♥♥

    B; that waterfall photo is sooooooooooooo cool….no pun intended…do you have this for sale in your shop ? extremely great capture !!! ☺☺


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