Thursday, May 2, 2024
daily photofoster catsMariposa

Daily Photo: Elegant Sunbath

tabby and white cat in sun
Mariposa has an elegant sunbath.

She has lots of fur to clean and she does it with grace. And on a cold winter morning the sun is so warm through the back door that you might almost think summer is back again.


From the Garden and Beyond

Oh My!

From around this date in past years

Great Program on Bird TV, 2023

tabby and white cat watching birds
Mariposa has her eye on some birds…

They are RIGHT THERE…all those little fluttery, chattery, exciting little birds are all right outside the window. What’s a kitty to do? Mariposa is on full alert, lest one of them somehow appear inside…



From Instagram

Mariposa’s Slow Dance

Purrhaps Mariposa is dreaming of being a ballet dancer. Look to see that her fur is moving, it’s blowing in the heat from the furnace vent. Her cuteness level is off the charts. She is one very #happykitty.


From the Garden and Beyond

It appears in constant motion swirls like a river running high though it stands still as a carving, the trunk of the long-dead tree, sans bark, its pale, wrinkled flesh laid bare, and with the weathered face of an elder.


From Portraits of Animals

Summer and Winter in Exhibit Submissions

three paintings
Three paintings for exhibit.

From around this date in past years

Nebbing on the Neighbors, and an Update on Simba, 2021

two black cats at window
Nebbing on the neighbors.

If you’re not from Pittsburgh, you might have never heard the words “neb,” “neb nose,” “nebby,” or “nebbing.” Now you have. It just means getting your nose into some place where someone else might not think it necessarily belongs. Cats spying on the neighbors are one example of “nebbing.” These two were transfixed when my neighbor across the street walked out his door and across the street, then got in his car and left for work. I understand, I can get completely focused on something typically not requiring that much interest. It’s probably why cats and I get along so well.

Update on Simba

black cat
Simba at the clinic.

Two days after Simba’s medication was finished and he’d been doing well all around for about a week, he started with urinary troubles again, squatting in the box, producing drops, on Monday evening. I had some extra meds and started him up again, but was concerned enough that I wanted to take him for another checkup, fast, at the rate this came on.

I really appreciate the care he received at MedVet, and the follow up information when I called, but after he started to improve somewhat I wasn’t sure he needed an emergency appointment, and I didn’t want to spend money on one or take their time if it wasn’t necessary. It might just be that he needed more medication, or inflammation and/or pain relief. My veterinarian retired in October 2020 and it’s been difficult to get set up with a new vet since then, though I did make a follow-up for him at the veterinarian I’d decided to go to. But he needed to be seen now.

PetWellClinic is a walk-in clinic offering basic treatments and wellness, and with his records and notes on his current activity the veterinarian might be able to help him without the cost and wait at an emergency hospital, or he could tell me Simba really needed hospitalization.

Simba’s bladder was empty, as I had thought with the collection of tablespoon-sized pee clumps in there and his empty food bowl, talkative and playful greeting, so we discussed a small maintenance dose of medications that would help keep him going until his appointment at the end of the month. There is no infection, it’s a case of cystitis. Changing his diet has been a challenge and will be slow going, but once that’s in place it will all be easier.

I’m glad I could quickly take him to the PetWellClinic near me for an exam and good discussion and explanation from the veterinarian and a prescription, for a price I could afford.

I can also see them as a local resource while rescuing cats, like chip scanning, snap tests and low-cost vaccines for people who want to work with fostering or adopting community cats, and also for visits for any pet when you need a quick appointment. I’d seen the sign go up a couple of months ago, and wondered about what it offered and looked it up. When I was out on errands last week I was going to stop in and say hello and ask what services were available, thinking of the rescue angle. I’m glad I had that background to use today.

So, barring any major flareups for Simba, I think I’m covered for him.

From Instagram

Both photos above were shared first on Instagram, and here are a few more.

Getting ready for some painting in my studio with my #studiocats, Simba and Midnight Louie. Looks like I’ll have to stand.

Send Simba some purrs. He’s having trouble urinating again. I started medication again, hopefully this will help keep him out of trouble, but he’s probably going to have to go back and get more treatment.


Little Miss has a new place to dangle her #bigwhitemittens .

Our friend Denise, who cares for the feral colony at the top of the hill, was kind enough to scout around locally for some extra goods for the household when Simba and Midnight Louie joined us.

I had always had my big blue cat tree next to the refrigerator and have years worth of photos of my evolving household on it. Last year when I got the new refrigerator it was just wide enough that tree wouldn’t fit anymore. It’s been out on the deck waiting for me to replace a cabinet before it can come back in. I put a small table and a bed on the floor, but that’s no match for what a cat tree did for my cat family. They got in each others’ way to look out the window, they lost an important scratching, relaxing and napping spot in a room where they all gather.

This fit right in there, they were all over it right away, and each of them uses it nearly every day. Never underestimate the enrichment cat trees bring to each room, especially with a large family of cats.

From the Garden and Beyond

Click each photo to read more.

Squirrel Ponders His Day

From around this date in past years

This Sunshine is Nice, Can We Keep It?, 2020

Sunshine in the sun
Sunshine in the sun

Of course, the big pun is that his name is Sunshine, well, that’s Mr. Sunshine to you.

We had some sun for a day and everyone took advantage of it! Today, everyone is sleeping it off for having lost all that sleep in chasing sunbeams yesterday.

Old Sol

Old Sol
Old Sol

Another one of my little decorations out front, like Welcome Kitty. Old Sol was grateful for the sun yesterday too.

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Photos from around this date in previous years

Window Hunting for Long-haired Housepanthers, 2018

Basil and Hamlet are stalking the squirrels.
Basil and Hamlet are stalking the squirrels.

Window hunting among the long-haired housepanthers. The lamp provides clever camouflage. CatTV has been great lately!

The two longhairs have joined forces.
The two longhairs have joined forces.

Mimi and me. The temp rose to 24 degrees and it felt like spring. Snow doesn’t bother either of us, especially when Mimi can stand on my shoes. In response to yesterday’s photo, Mimi and I took a chance on the sunny day today.

Standing on my shoes.
Standing on my shoes.

Mimi is so aware of composition. What a purrfect feline model.

Mimi has such awareness.
Mimi has such awareness.

All the above photos were taken with my phone and shared on Facebook today. Not that I have any shortage of better quality photos, but I was in a frenzy of photography for some reason today. Probably because it was sunny, and because on Christmas day when I’d visited the trail I decided I’d come back for a photo of a little waterfall from a different angle, preferably when it was sunny, I decided to do that this afternoon. I got a lot of cool photos, but not the one that I wanted. I realized I’d have to stand in the water to get that photo, and that wasn’t a good idea in the current weather situation. Among others, I also got a photo of this incredible Ice Angel:

Dripping water falls and freezes to form a ghostly gothic statue, hands spread, three figures above its head. You never know what you’ll find in the woods in the winter.

Ice Angel
Ice Angel

Then I came back to head for the studio with Mimi.

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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Even More Photos of Jack and Diane, 2017

Where is Diane?
Where is Diane?

Now that Jack and Diane are very friendly and very active, they are also VERY fun to photograph! I actually ask them not to be so cute so that I can get something else done. On Saturday, on two sessions, I got some incredibly sweet photos just standing there and clicking my shutter as they did their kitten thing on the windowsill. I still haven’t processed most of them. But every time I go in the bathroom now, they are being photogenic and I’m done for.

Just before the boop. Get used to it Jack, you're going to be walking around with that irresistible DOT on your nose all your life.
Just before the boop. Get used to it Jack, you’re going to be walking around with that irresistible DOT on your nose all your life.

These four are singles that I took the week after Christmas, and each is sweet. Tomorrow I’ll post the ones I described above, and until I run out I’ll post a special post of kitten photos that are kind of grouped together.

A kitten stretch.
A kitten stretch.

One thing to keep in mind with all my photos: with the new year I’m looking for new greeting card, photo print and gift item ideas. I just keep producing images, and it’s difficult for me to stop and look them over and decide what they work well for. Any ideas you have are very welcome!

Fits purrr-fectly! Apparently, the sink really was made for Diane. She nestled herself right into that little soap dish.
Fits purrr-fectly! Apparently, the sink really was made for Diane. She nestled herself right into that little soap dish.

The photo above shows how neatly she settled herself into that little divot on the sink, but I also like her expression on the one below.

Yes, the sink does belong to me!
Yes, the sink does belong to me!

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Mimi Has a Word With the Front Porch Guard Cat, 2017

Mimi has a word with the front porch guard cat.
Mimi has a word with the front porch guard cat.

Mimi has a word with the front porch guard cat. I’m not certain of the nature of this conversation.

That day was fairly warm. In following days she cuddled next to the Front Porch Guard Cat for warmth and let me know she was not happy with the cold. Or the leash.

The whole collage.
The whole collage.

And each of the photos.

Cuddling with the front porch guard cat for warmth.
Cuddling with the front porch guard cat for warmth.
To me: "It's cold. This is no fun. Fix it."
To me: “It’s cold. This is no fun. Fix it.”
To the squirrel: "If I get off this leash, you'll be cat food!"
To the squirrel: “If I get off this leash, you’ll be cat food!”
To me: "I'm going to trade you in."
To me: “I’m going to trade you in.”


What other photos did I post on or about this date?


So Long 2015, Welcome 2016

So long 2015. The journey continues.
So long 2015. The journey continues.

Mimi and I took a little time outside later this afternoon when a pretty gray day lightened just a tiny bit. The temperatures are closer to normal and Mimi tried to enjoy being outdoors since she’d been bugging me all day, but gave up before I was done filling the feeders. I welcome the cold weather as I’ve been somewhat disoriented with the flying time and unseasonable temperatures, but Mimi doesn’t care for cold wet paws.

I need some snow though, to make my Mimi Adventuring through the trees series complete.

Here’s something else we saw in the yard today.


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Shared on Facebook

And then this happened!

Wait a minute! How many fluffy black cats and fluffy gray cats are supposed to be in here? I think I’ve got some extras! Simon and Teddy decided a few days ago to introduce themselves to Hamlet and Ophelia. Really they just want Hamlet and Ophelia’s food. And they make the point that this WAS their room until these two moved in. What they don’t realize is at one time and another this room belonged to each of the cats who live here right now. But each joined the household in much the same way. So far so good. I’ll give you one guess whose wise idea this was.


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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Wordless Wednesday: Perspectives, 2014
black cat lookign out window reflected in mirror


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All Decorated, 2014
black cat with decorations.
Maybe if I ignore it…

Mr. Sunshine models the day’s decorative style—the waxed paper strips from double-sided tape. I couldn’t pass it up, those twirls of waxed paper are just too fun—for me. As I’m framing along I generate quite a pile of them, and most of the cats no longer find them fun because they see them all the time. So I tried something new—cat decorating! I’ve actually done it before with Bean, but he’s learned to ignore me. “This is what we get for our very important supervisory role in our human’s studio,” he says.

black cat with decorations.
This is what I have to live with.

He considers if he should take some action.

black cat with decorations.
I’ll remember this.

He decides to continue his nap.

black cat with decorations.
Nap time.

Hope your new year is just as exciting!

Other daily photos shared on this date

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Mewsette’s Resolution, 2012
black cat on table
I just want to touch them.

I will not touch the two little screws Mama Bernadette placed in the middle of the frame.

black cat on table
Those two little screws are really tempting.

I will not touch the two little screws Mama Bernadette placed in the middle of the frame.

black cat on table
Do you think she’s really looking at me?

I will not touch the two little screws Mama Bernadette placed in the middle of the frame.

black cat on table
They’re right there…

I will not touch the two little screws Mama Bernadette placed in the middle of the frame. But the wire is mine!

black cat on table
Mewsette gets her reward.

My erstwhile framing assistant, Mewsette, is nothing if not enthusiastic about helping me on my table. But she’s not always, well, helpful. I just have to let her have her way for a while, then she has to let me have mine. It’s hard for a kitty to learn that everything really is not a toy, especially those to cute little screws in the middle of the paper backing on that big picture. One swat and they’d be on the moon! But Mewsette has learned that if she does that, Mama Bernadette will pick her up and put her on the floor, and not let her back up on the table, and that just won’t do. Happy Mew Year, everyone!

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Happy New Year with Sparklies, 2010
black cat with fuzzy crocheted collar
A sparkly new year’s wish for everyone!

Because we’ve been preoccupied with Cookie, we couldn’t create a new year wish for you, but Mewsette was so beautiful in her photo shoot last year she deserves another year of greeting our readers! On behalf of my household of kitties, Mewsette wishes you and yours a happy new year!

black cat with crocheted collar
Faraway Expression (I’d rather be birdwatching than wearing this thing around my neck).

She’s modeling my latest crochet scarf with vintage pin, and the little sparks of color and the shape of the pin brought to mind fireworks. She has the greenest eyes of the group, too, and I wanted to highlight that with the background.

black cat with crocheted collar and vintage pin
Mewsette Coquette (are you actually going to give me that treat or just wave it so I’ll look at it?)

I’ve never been one to dress up my cats, but I’ve been handling Mewsette and her brothers since they were three days old and somehow decorating this family of nearly solid black cats seems like the natural thing to do. This extemporaneous photo shoot developed after I tried to photograph the scarf but certain kitties decided it was meant to be a toy—I have to admit they have a few toys that resemble this—and in the ensuing activity someone ended up wearing it. And they tolerate it, in part because they inherited their mom’s sweet personality and are the nicest family of kitties I’ve ever known (in a lifetime of kitties), and perhaps also because I’ve been handling them all their lives. They put up with a lot of stuff from me, but of course, the benefits are many.

black cat with crocheted collar and vintage pin
Dignified (I’m just letting you know that I’d done with this thing around my neck now).

They are now three years old, so it’s time to put them to work! I think Mewsette has a true career as a model—I’ve included a few more shots from this session along with Mewsette’s comments. Her brothers were spared the indignity of having to wear this thing, but their day will come. It’s a little difficult to tell, but I’ve included the extra space on the right of this last photo so you might see how l-o-o-n-n-g Mewsette’s whiskers are. I hope your 2011 begins on a bright note with colors, smiles, purrs and happiness, and continues to become more beautiful every day!

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

watercolor of black cat on windowsill
“Snowy Morning”, watercolor, 5.5″ x 8.75″ © Bernadette E. Kazmarski

This is Bella on my bedroom windowsill first thing this morning, watching the air thick with flurries, and no doubt birds too, in the maple tree outside the bedroom window. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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Subscribe to The Creative Cat Preview E-newsletter.

© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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