Friday, May 10, 2024
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Daily Photo: Buddies

Bella and Basil are still pretty close..
Bella and Basil are still pretty close.

Bella and Basil are not related, but from the very first night Bella came here they’ve been close, and even what you’d call “bonded”. At one point they were together all the time, watching birds at the windows  an exploring together, and then napping together on the bed.

Now that they’ve grown, and with the addition of Charm to the mix at the moment, they spend time in separate places and doing separate things—Bella spends way more time watching birds and squirrels and chipmunks and everything that’s happening out in the yard than Basil does—but they still have their moments, especially hanging out on the cabinet in the kitchen together, sometimes bathing, sometimes just being in the middle of things. (Maybe Mr. Sunshine isn’t so happy down there with all the attention they’re getting.)

A whirly bath, back to back.
A whirly bath, back to back.

They always seem to be most comfortable together.

Bella and Basil, best buddies.
Bella and Basil, best buddies.

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*Sigh* Another rainy day.

Mimi and I are pretty tired of the rain.
Mimi and I are pretty tired of the rain.

Fresh homemade pesto, Basil is a little disconcerted. (It’s made with fresh basil 🙂 .)

"BASIL pesto?"
“BASIL pesto?”

What other photos did I feature on this date?

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Kitty Things: Welcome Kitty Says Welcome, 2014
cat sculpture with flowers
Welcome Kitty says hello!

The hand-cast kitty who came with Peaches and Cream in 2005, made by their human, has been greeting people to my home since then, hanging on the wooden decorative shutter right next to my front door. I keep flowers in the vase during flower season, most of the time wildflowers I’ve gathered in my walks around town and on the trail. In the late afternoon sun that huge umbel of Queen Anne’s Lace cast an interesting shadow on the kitty, and the sun selectively illuminated the pink vetch, a fleabane flower or two, a yellow daisy center and a few petals. It’s good to let yourself be distracted by these things, even on a super busy day when you finally got your car back on the road and have more to do than 24 hours will permit. What’s ten minutes of beauty, and focus on capturing the best photo of the moment to take your mind off of all these things?

And when the sun fades behind the neighbor’s house and all the magic goes away, all those things are still to be done, but while you were exercising your creative right brain, your logical left brain was hard at work prioritizing things for you. Back to work, with a clear mind.

cat sculpture and flowers
A little soft-focused version.

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A Sudden Inspiration, 2013
    Jelly Bean has a sudden inspiration and reaches for the brushes.
Jelly Bean has a sudden inspiration and reaches for the brushes.

Bean had a sudden inspiration and reached for the brushes this afternoon while browsing the afternoon from the bathroom windowsill. A portrait of the chipping sparrow who’s been singing from the pussy willow just outside? An impressionist painting of green and dappled light and color? A modern non-objective abstract?

Probably just the brushes looked like he could have some fun with them. He was in quite the active mood today—racing all over the house playing with everything, rumbling in the tub and leaping up onto the shelf to look down at me like a crazed kitty ax murderer.

black cat peeking off shelf
Jelly Bean on the shelf.

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Fits Right In, 2012
Mewsette fits right in between the palette and the pencils.
Mewsette fits right in between the palette and the pencils.

I’d say that Mewsette knows how to pose because her soft, glossy black fur always looks best next to bright colors and she always looks right at home among my art materials, but she’s the most unassuming kitty I’ve ever known. Really, Mewsette likes o get closely involved with my work and she usually gets the assignment to supervise me while I’m working. Don’t let her brothers know she sleeps on the job.

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Sweet Dreams, and a…Tomato for Your Pillow, 2011
A tomato for your pillow.
A tomato for your pillow.

When a kitty is really tired, anything will do for a bed and pillow.

Tomatoes are a kitty's best friend.
Tomatoes are a kitty’s best friend.

I was kidding Cookie about perhaps having had a little ” ‘nip” and being, um, a little out of sorts. She sat up, washed her face and had a drink of water, but later she was sleeping there again. Must be tomatoes aren’t such a strange pillow after all.

A really deep nap.
A really deep nap.


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They are so easily amused! Adopt during Adopt a Cat Month!

Browse some rescued cats and kittens!


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in using one in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of this image or a product including this image, check my Etsy shop or Fine Art America profile to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

Inspired by felines you know! Visit Portraits of Animals on Etsy.


© 2015 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski
Weekly schedule of features:
Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life
Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters
Tuesday: Rescue Stories
Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork
Thursday: New Merchandise
Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy
Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats
And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!



From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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