Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Daily Photo: The Feline Narnia Portal

cat walking through books.
The Narnia portal I’d always knew existed.

Finally found that Narnia portal the cats have always known about. Cleverly marked by the cat books.

This photo was definitely a hit on Facebook. I’d taken it when I was setting up for one of my open houses or just reorganizing as I developed my shop display and didn’t get a chance to share it then. I just remembered it and decided it was time to share. I still laugh every time I look at it!

It’s pretty frightening, though, when one of them disappears—completely—for hours sometimes. They could have escaped somehow, or be caught somewhere in the house or hurt or ill and hiding or unable to make a sound. It’s scared the crap out of me a few times and I’ve upended the house to find them, like when Kelly was hiding back in 2012. Cats finding small hidden spots to nap is a part of their biology and on its own that’s not a problem. This spot in particular is a real prize because the bookcase backs up to the wall where the furnace vent for the second goes up, and it’s totally toasty warm in that little kitty cave. I just want to know where those tiny spots are in case of an emergency. And then it’s funny again.


From Facebook

If that’s all the sun there is, Mimi will take it. She’s the black speck in the middle of the photo.

Mimi will take just that little bit.
Mimi will take just that little bit.

Photos from years past.


Kitty Keep-warm Lamp, 2018
Bella by her keep-warm lamp.
Bella by her keep-warm lamp.

Mimi sometimes does this, but lately Bella’s been getting there first. Those old-fashioned 25-watt light bulbs put out the heat, but not so much that the glass shade is too hot for a kitty to cuddle up to. On these cold nights kitties need all the warm spots they can get.

Are you going to go away?
Are you going to go away?

Bella prefers to bask in privacy. I wish I’d had my better camera—these were taken with my phone. Typically, because I photograph so many birds from the window the camera is usually there. I’ll make sure it is from now on, and of course I’ll never capture Bella there again.

Privacy please.
Privacy please.

This is the same lamp by which I photographed cats which became Halloween cards.


From Instagram and Facebook

I have been unusually busy with errands, water in the basement, snow and ice…but I have shared a few photos on Facebook.

January 9

Are you going to share that cereal or not?
Are you going to share that cereal or not?

January 11

Yes, until it started raining it was completely intoxicating outside, 68 degrees. Even the rain was nice.
Yes, until it started raining it was completely intoxicating outside, 68 degrees. Even the rain was nice.

January 12

Good morning! All eight just hanging out in the kitchen on a rainy morning.
Good morning! All eight just hanging out in the kitchen on a rainy morning.

January 13

Does this look like there is a big kitty looking at me through the ice on my car window, or do I just see cats everywhere I look?
Does this look like there is a big kitty looking at me through the ice on my car window, or do I just see cats everywhere I look?


What other photos did I post on or about this date?


We Iz Cute!, 2017

We iz cute!
We iz cute!

We iz cute! You don’t need kittens in here for cutez!

The boys are happy to have their bathroom back. They seem to forget that once they were the litter of kittens in that bathroom with a house full of adult cats who didn’t appreciate having their bathroom taken away.


From Instagram and Facebook

Friday the 13th

Oh, no, it’s Friday the 13th and there are #8blackcats in my kitchen! It’s okay, Giuseppe tells me they just want breakfast.

Eight black cats on Friday the 13th!
Eight black cats on Friday the 13th!


A heart-shaped nap

Later in my studio…
My studio supervisors are having a heart-shaped nap.

A heart-shaped nap.
A heart-shaped nap.


Mimi and the rain

I may have accomplished many things today, but the rain is still falling and Mimi cannot take her walk so I can just get over myself.

Mimi and the rain.
Mimi and the rain.


What other photos did I post on or about this date?


All Cats Are Not Black!, 2016

I found a kitty who looks like me! gray kittens
I found a kitty who looks like me!

Teddy Bear is shocked to find a kitty who looks like him! For months he’s been the only cat in a house full who is not black! At least the cats that he saw. He didn’t know we had a kindred spirit hiding in the foster room!

He and Simon and sometimes Bella have been visiting with our houseguests lately. Hamlet is a little frightened to come out of the room with all my chaos of stuff, and then everywhere he turns he sees another cat! It’s been very, very good for him to see these two and begin to play with them—he’s even more relaxed with me. Tweetie is thrilled!

Teddy and Tweetie watching the two black cats.
Teddy and Tweetie watching the two black cats.


. . . . . . .

What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Littered With Cats, 2011
six cats in one photo
Littered With Cats

From January 2011, a sunny morning in the kitchen. Yes, this similar to another recent photo reprise, but this one includes Cookie looking out the door, Mimi having a sun bath, and the Fantastic Four just, well, littering the floor. Something about that January morning sun

What happens when the winter sun shines in the back door in early morning for the second day in a row? Everybody takes advantage of it.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a lasting sunny morning, some bright ones with cold haze, mostly cloudy or overcast covers it before an hour has passed. Yesterday and today were bright blue and sunny; yesterday everyone in the household (including me) stepped into this strange, unfamiliar substance, warm sunlight in the house. Today, all the cats had it down right away and after a brief romp around the house and a sip from the bathroom faucet, all of them came back to the kitchen, collecting in the warmth by the door.

From the front is Mr. Sunshine, crouching, and Giuseppe, sitting up; these two have a way of looking slightly guilty no matter the situation. Then Mewsette is cleaning her foot and Jelly Bean is purringly balled up next to the door. In the far distance, Mimi is on the left, swinging around for a lick on the hip, and Cookie is longingly gazing out into the yard; she and I had been out earlier, but she can never get enough of her outdoors, except when I haven’t managed to make it warm for her. Only Kelly isn’t in this photo; she’s a little intimidated by the Big Four and while she was mingling a bit she left for her other sunny windowsill.

I do have a number of photos of my cats at the back door, but this is the maximum quantity I captured at one time, and very special to me because it includes Cookie, who was by then in deep mentoring with Mimi, her little grasshopper.

The other recent photo is “Enough Sun for Everyone” and the post is “A Very Special Daily Painting: ‘Forty Five Lives’ by Kimberly Kelly Santini”

. . . . . . .

Other daily photos shared on this date


Bella Got A Basket, 2015
black cat in basket
Bella in her basket.

I have to thank the friend who carried a few things to us in this basket and left it here just before Christmas. I had it stashed in a safe place until I could add it to my basket collection and made the happy mistake of setting it on the cabinet by the big north window where Bella spends a lot of time watching birds and hanging out. She immediately possessed it as her basket and began experiencing the world from the vantage of the basket, and she has been killing me with cute ever since.

black cat in basket
Don’t bother me.

The basket even has magic. She is still a little shy. If she is in the basket when someone arrives, they simply can’t see her, even if she’s looking directly at them. Or so I would presume by her complete surprise when they remark about what a pretty kitty she is and walk over to pet her.

black cat in basket
You don’t see me.

She has also interacted with the other cats and her basket and I’ll add those photos to the collection as well, but for now I’m sharing the best of the photos I’ve taken in the past two weeks. I would say I’ve been a little preoccupied with Bella in the basket, possibly as preoccupied as Bella herself is with the basket!

black cat in basket
It’s the purr-fect size!

She tries a little remodeling on the bow, but that wasn’t as interesting to her as I thought it would be.

black cat in basket
What’s this bow all about?
black cat in basket
I’m going to take care of this bow.

She discovered it has convenient little paw holes along the bottom, for when she might need them. Not sure what she might need them for, but then I’m not a little black cat.

black cat in basket
It has paw holes in it.

But she’s really not too sure about all this photography stuff. Why do I walk all around and talk to her and shake noisy things? Do I think she’s going to fall for that? She’s in her basket and I just don’t exist! “Get a life, human!” Sometimes I wish it was that easy. I certainly don’t want to tell her to stop being so inspiring.

black cat in basket
Get a life, human!

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine ArtPhotographyGiftsGreeting CardsBooksCommissioned Portraits & Artwork

Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar: Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019

Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019: Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar
Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019: Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar


Each month features a cat or cats and the story who Pittsburgh C.A.T. volunteers rescued through TNR or rescue from abandonment, neglect or abuse, offered medical treatment, fostering, socialization, and a loving forever home that met their individual needs. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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Subscribe to The Creative Cat Preview E-newsletter.

© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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