Wednesday, May 8, 2024
black catscat photographsdaily photofoster catsHamletjelly bean

Daily Photo: Practicing Some Zen

Jelly Bean and Hamlet practicing some Zen.
Jelly Bean and Hamlet practicing some Zen.

Jelly Bean thinks Hamlet is just too uptight, except when he’s sleeping on his back with his legs in all directions and enjoys a belly rub from the human. But even then he might suddenly remember that his mother taught him humans like to eat cats and leap up and run away. Most of the time part of Hamlet is wary and on guard, just in case the human really does want to kill him, or some unknown predator shows up in the room, or Mariposa challenges him with a password request.

Jelly Bean is a Zen master practicing purring meditation and simply “being” in every moment even though it looks as if he’s just napping. He decided he’d do a little “absorption therapy” and sit next to Hamlet and see if the Zen soaked into him. All went well until Hamlet looked to his left and saw the wire cat staring at him. But even with that apparent threat right at his elbow, he managed to sit a few minutes longer absorbing something from Bean.

You can see the Zen.

Zen kitty Bean.
Zen kitty Bean.


Photos from years past.


Bella in the Cat Book Library, 2018
Bella in the cat book library.
Bella in the cat book library.

Bella is looking studious in the cat book library. “Cats don’t need books,” she says, “we know everything.”

One of the features in our “new” room is the reinstatement of the cat book library on the mahogany dresser with the mirror, obviously an excellent place to display one’s superiority.


What other photos did I post on or about this date?


Former Fosters: Update on Simon and Theo, 2017

Simon and Theo and their first Christmas tree.
Simon and Theo and their first Christmas tree.

Simon and Theo’s first Christmas! They were 2015 fosters and in February 2016 I took them to live with my niece and children in Savannah. Simon is into everything, and he’s clearly scoping out that tree for all the possibilities, but hasn’t gotten into trouble yet.

Simon sizes up the tree. It has so many possibilities.

My niece had some extra photos on her Facebook page but I didn’t want to share them because they’re all pretty casual, but she added this, “Cat’s Christmas perspective: Elsa (oldest)-whatever. i get treats, happens every year. Baby (next to oldest)-yes, they do this, then I remember I get goodies. Simon (1.5 yrs old, formerly feral, new to house early 2016)-yep, these make good blankets. WTH??? is going on????”

Simon and Theo and their fur sister Baby investigate the tree.

Jennifer bought Simon a basket for Christmas so that he could sit in it under the tree. Simon loves to be in things. But when she looked under the tree Theo was in the basket, and Theo doesn’t like to sleep in things.

Theo in Simon's basket.
Theo in Simon’s basket.

Simon discovered this and gave Theo kisses and generally annoyed him until he left.

Simon gives Theo a few kisses.

Simon had his basket back.

Simon gets his basket back.

I know they have an awesome home, and I can visit them along with my family.

Simon and Theo just hanging out.
Simon and Theo just hanging out.

They love their doggy brother.

Watching Bingo under the coffee table.

Theo is soooooo handsome and Simon so clever! This is why we rescue, so kitties can have happily ever afters!

The brothers.
The brothers.


What other photos did I post on or about this date?


Looking for Trouble to Get Into, 2016

Simon is looking for some trouble to get into.
Simon is looking for some trouble to get into.

What’s a young cat to do when everyone is asleep and he wants to play? He’s waiting for trouble to happen so he can get into it. They human has been very dull. Who could not love that face?

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Shared on Facebook

Mimi and I got outside for just a little bit yesterday before the rains came and the temperature dropped. It’s hard to believe I was barefoot with capris and a tee until mid-afternoon!

From December 26, celebrating Boxing Day.

From Christmas night…

December 23, from those long nights in the studio…

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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Six black cats!
Six black cats!

They are gathered for when I opened the oven to remove the freshly-baked apple crisp. Why not? Several of them tasted the ingredients as I put it together. It’s not unusual that I get six black cats in one place, but getting the seventh cat on that cabinet is a real trick!

In the front, Smokie is washing Bella’s face. Giuseppe sat down with his tail over her, the rest milled around, not sure whether they would stay for the warmth and chance of apple crisp and possibly dinner, or go back to their afternoon naps. They went back to their naps!

Our friend Debby Nicola came to visit (you’ll see her also in my update to yesterday’s post about Bert and Ernie) and was greeted at the door by five of seven black cats—Mewsette and Smokie were upstairs enjoying an easy Sunday nap. Below four fine felines milling around angling for pets; it’s the boys and Mimi. Each of the boys had some time on her lap, then Mimi occupied her for a nice long nap.

woman with black cats
Debby tries to pet four black cats at the same time.

A little later we went upstairs to see how Bert and Ernie reacted to a visitor, and Mimi sat disapprovingly on the top edge of the baby gate—you can see her over Debby’s shoulder—as our traitorous visitor handed treats to the two foster cats. Humans! You can just never figure them out.

woman with black cats
Mimi disapproves of other cats getting treats before her.

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Cleaning Day, 2013
five black cats
Cleaning day!

Stacks of boxes! big chunks of paper! twine! packing peanuts! it’s all going out the door! Wet floors and noise! She’s gone crazy! Better get out of her way or she’ll be tossing us out too!

Yes, time to clean up after the holidays, and the kids are losing all their improvised toys. It’s not as if they don’t have plenty of official toys! Except, of course, Mewsette’s precious works of cardboard art.

It’s good to do an inventory and put things away, though, all the stacks of boxes of merchandise and packing materials. It took lots of kitty toes to keep track of how many cards and garden flags and calendars are left, and as much as we all wanted to get started on new things, we had to get the place under control.

Not the best photo, above, but I was running the sweeper when I saw the big eyes and looks of horror and all of them clustered on the cabinet for safety!

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Into the Picture Frame, 2012
black cat looks into picture frame
Mewsette looks into the world inside the glass.

Mewsette studies the image reflected in the glass. How does she get in there to explore this magical world?

Perhaps if she peeks around the back…

black cat looking around the edge of a picture frame
Mewsette peeks around the back…

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He’ll Never Know What Hit Him…, 2011
two black cats
I’ll just sit here really quietly then suddenly leap…

Somehow I don’t think Jelly Bean is thinking about how much he loves his brother Mr. Sunshine. I think he sees a target drawn right on the back of Mr. Sunshine’s head.

This is how it begins, the daily wrestling match, it’s all Jelly Bean’s doing as he sits on his table by the window waiting for one of his brothers to innocently happen on by. Usually it’s Giuseppe, but now and then Mr. Sunshine walks into the trap.

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Cookie’s Biggest Fan, 2010
black cat and tortoisesehll cat
Mewsette Guards Cookie

I will always thank Mewsette for taking care of Cookie.

Has Mewsette adopted Cookie?

I’ve often noticed Mewsette being near Cookie, sitting, sleeping, bathing, sometimes trying to do a gentle nuzzle or head-butt which is summarily rebuffed by Cookie. “I don’t need any babysitting!” Cookie would say. However, I’ve lately seen Mousse cuddling with or near Cookie—after she’s fallen asleep, of course!

Perhaps like Giuseppe in the way he adopted Peaches years ago, cuddling, keeping her warm, giving her his youthful energy, Mewsette will finally have her way with Cookie. Cookie couldn’t ask for a nicer understudy in Mewsette, big, strong, quiet and sweet.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar: Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019

Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019: Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar
Rescue, Foster, Rehome, Repeat 2019: Pittsburgh C.A.T. 2019 Calendar


Each month features a cat or cats and the story who Pittsburgh C.A.T. volunteers rescued through TNR or rescue from abandonment, neglect or abuse, offered medical treatment, fostering, socialization, and a loving forever home that met their individual needs. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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