Friday, May 10, 2024
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Daily Photo: Mewsette Likes Broccoli

Mewsette likes broccoli.
Mewsette likes broccoli.

“I like broccoli,” said Mewsette, nibbling on a stem.

“You’re weird,” said Sienna.

Sienna settled on the recipe and Mewsette came along to eat some broccoli as I attempted to prepare for my lunch. One thing I can say, it’s never dull around here.

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Photos I’ve shared on or around this date

How Some Kitties Live, 2017
A tux kitty who lives in the abandoned house.
A tux kitty who lives in the abandoned house.

My introduction to the kitties who lived at the abandoned house on Dunbar Street, which became my TNR project this past summer.

A message was shared on Facebook about a kitten someone had taken in, then put back out in the yard of an abandoned house. It turned out the address of the place was very close to my house in a small neighborhood across a small creek from me. I drove over and found a house by the description given of a cat tree on the back porch, as well as by talking to a very helpful woman walking her dog. The house, a duplex, is empty and a shambles, not fit for anything to live in. Indeed there were kittens there, and adult cats, like the tux above, but I also saw a big black cat with big white whiskers with a heart-shaped white spot on its chest who was eartipped, meaning someone had done some TNR at some point.

A big black kitty with a heart-shaped white spot.
A big black kitty with a heart-shaped white spot.

Mimi and the kids might be living this way too, if things had worked out differently. I always think of that when I see cats living in these conditions. I’ll be working on this project. Send these kitties some love. If you’d want to donate anything toward spays and neuters and other miscellaneous costs of TNR as well as possible costs of fostering kittens, please let me know.

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From Instagram


Mewsette is such a purrfect model, just so curvy and with her head tilted just so.



Big and little, Mewsette and Mimi enjoying the morning sun at the back door.


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Photos I’ve shared on or around this date

Mimi Among the Leaves, 2016
 Mimi among the leaves.
Mimi among the leaves.

We took a little time to enjoy some golden sunlight on such a pleasant day. I’ve been looking at my little courtyard out front as the leaves have been falling from the river birches for a couple of weeks. I love the patterns nature creates, especially fallen leaves, and with the stones beneath I found myself looking at it all day long once the sun hit it. And I could picture just the photo you see above, letting Mimi do as she pleased, which is always the best way to photograph Mimi.

This photo was only one of several of Mimi’s busy day. I shared it on Facebook and Instagram as well as the ones below.

Today’s big excitement, a delivery of some really exciting boxes from Mimi owned them all day long.

Today's big excitement.
Today’s big excitement.

Mimi escorted me through my day, but still found the energy to supervise me in the studio.

 Mimi has had a big day, but she's still happy to take time to supervise me.
Mimi has had a big day, but she’s still happy to take time to supervise me.

And at the same time…

Oops, Mimi is napping in my greeting cards, can’t fill my orders until she wakes up! Cats’ rules!

Hamlet and Ophelia cuddling cheek to cheek in their favorite place.
Hamlet and Ophelia cuddling cheek to cheek in their favorite place.

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Photos I’ve shared on or around this date

Daily Photo: Do You Have To Do That?
two black cats
We can’t sleep with you roaming around with that thing.

“That” is when I take a photo of them while they are resting. How dare I disturb their repose with my rudely focused camera, and all my snapping and waving and cooing at how sweet they look? And we know that Mewsette and Bean truly need their beauty rest, and probably more than they get with all my ridiculous interruptions for my own selfish creative purposes.

Of course, that’s turning the phrase on me—because that’s what I say when they decide to have a bath on what I’m working on, or when a pile of everything lands on the floor because someone decided to have a good stretch. Serves me right, I guess.

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On Instagram and Facebook

Go ahead, you know it’s hard to resist. (I couldn’t.)

Bean is irresistible.
Bean is irresistible.

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Photos I’ve shared on or around this date

I have some catching up to do–I missed a few days and there was some intense cuteness going on with Smokie/Basil this time last year!

Welcome Back, Brother, 2014
two black cats
Welcome back, brother.

Mr. Sunshine hangs out with his brothers, but there are times when only a sister understands.

He’s doing fine, after a bit of a slow start when he came home yesterday, a little hissing from his siblings, and staring from his mother. But mealtime brought them closer together, as did a family mousie hunt in the basement last night. Back to normal.

Thanks for all your concern, everyone! I always like to let you know that we all feel the same love and fears for our kitties, and have the same dire thoughts sometimes.

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What other photos did have I shared around this date?


Monday, Back to Work, 2013
 Mimi tries to stay awake as she supervises me.
Mimi tries to stay awake as she supervises me.

This human, does she have to go out in the garden and muck around on a Monday morning? I’m accustomed to lazing around on papers and boxes all weekend and I really don’t feel like staying awake to supervise her activities. I should probably enjoy what may be one of our last warm summer mornings in the garden, but I think I’ll just take a nap here in the shade. I know my human isn’t going to go anywhere!

Mimi is so patient, even when I spend 15 minutes in one spot picking a few beans and cutting some broccoli, pulling a few excess plants and photographing a wildflower, all in two square feet. Other humans find this sort of activity very dull, I find it mesmerizing, and Mimi, well, cats are very good at just being in the moment. And napping when they think their human isn’t looking. As my garden winds down in the shade of the tall trees around me I still have things growing, but the big abundance is over for the season. I will miss these summer mornings in the garden, messing around in the dirt while Mimi reads her pee-mail and keeps an eye on me.

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My Daily Distractions, 2011
 Mimi tries to stay awake as she supervises me.
Mimi tries to stay awake as she supervises me.

Do they look posed or what? I’m not sure what they’re watching, but it seems totally gripping by their expressions. It might just be Jelly Bean having a bath on the table, or it might be a bird outside the window, I’m just never sure, but Mewsette, Giuseppe and Mr. Sunshine were raptly attentive to it.

But I ask, could you work under these conditions?

This photo, A Pile of Cats and All Cats on Desk were just from the past two days, but this sort of treatment is constant. I am constantly distracted. I’m not sure I can bear up under the weight of all this cuteness.

 Three faces, close up.
Three faces, close up.

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The Bath Cat, 2010
The Bath Cat.
The Bath Cat.

Dickie insists on giving everyone a bath, whether they like it or not (though I think he prefers fur to skin since I don’t get regular baths, just nose licks from him).

Kelly loves her baths from Dickie, though it took him a while to win her over. She is affectionate and often rubs on the other cats, but she’s timid when approached by them. Dickie’s big personality and insistence that her face was dirty eventually became a comfort to her, and sometimes he gives her quite the thorough bath.

The two frequently share the library, and that mirror provides a wonderful backdrop for this photo where you can see two views of the same bath.

At that time and in retrospect, I was so glad for that relationship between Kelly and Dickie; we’d just lost Kelly’s soul-mate Namir a year before and we all knew Peaches didn’t have long to live. Dickie brought her great comfort in the year we fostered him here.

See a few other photos of cats in the cat book library.


Art and Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals



Feline Photographs from Portraits of Animals!

Bella's eyes certainly have it!
Bella’s eyes certainly have it!

These three really have to stop this sort of thing. I have work to do and I can’t be distracted by such serious cuteness. Mimi, Sunshine, Jelly Bean. Read more, and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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