Friday, May 10, 2024
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Daily Photo: I Am Sleeping Now, Thank You

Do you need something?
Do you need something?

Once Mariposa came down the stairs all the way last Novemeber she had been staying on the first floor and in the basement, not often visiting the second floor. But with the coming of spring, she came upstairs at dawn to sit on the bathroom windowsill to watch the light, the birds, and feel the first warmth of the sun. Once she realized that was also when the rest of us on the bed began stirring she came into the bedroom to make sure I knew it was time to wake up. Then I found her on the bed in the morning when I wanted to make it up, and of course, I couldn’t move her. Lately she’s joined the nap club every afternoon, and also spends time in my studio again. I guess a little formerly feral girl finds her own way at her own pace.

I'm going back to sleep now.
I’m going back to sleep now.


From Instagram

Adventure girls are ready for the morning. Mimi is braver than Mewette who ran for the door when she heard the crew working on the neighbor’s roof.

Mimi and Mewsette on the deck ready for the morning.
Mimi and Mewsette on the deck ready for the morning.

Apparently I was overstaying my photography privileges later when Mimi was ready to go back inside.

Mimi on the steps.
Mimi on the steps.


And what did we find out there?

These delicate #daffodils.


The old (really old) forsythia is really putting on a show this year.

Photos from years past.


Yellow Basket Cuddles, 2018

Yellow Basket Cuddles
Yellow Basket Cuddles

I’m pretending it’s the sun and Mr. Sunshine and Bean are pretending it’s not SNOWING outside today! Last year at this time we had flowers, and even some of the windows were open now and then! But a heart-shaped nap in a yellow basket is a good nap no matter the weather.

They are both black cats, and brothers, but the difference in their fur color and texture never ceases to amaze me. Jelly Bean looks like chocolate cake and Sunshine looks like teakwood. Bean takes after his mom in furs, Mr. Sunshine and Mewsette have similar longish fur from their daddy. I love Mr. Sunshine’s thick tail.

The yellow basket has been a thing for several years, as you can see below.

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What other photos have I posted on or around this date?


Spooning in the Yellow Basket, 2017

Bella and Bean spooning in the basket.
Bella and Bean spooning in the basket.

Bella and Jelly Bean cozily spoon in the yellow basket. It’s an unexpectedly cold and blustery day, a good day for an all-afternoon nap. Too bad I’m too big to climb in with them!

That basket has a lot of magic! Often they’ve lost interest in a basket or a bed or a box long before now and I have to change it out with another, like the plaid bed below from 2014. But the yellow basket goes on and on with all the wonderful things that happen in it. I could post a photo a day of just something happening in the yellow basket!

Here’s another view of a later spoon.

Bella and Bean still spooning in the basket.
Bella and Bean still spooning in the basket.

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What other photos have I posted on or around this date?


Four in a Bed, 2013

four black cats in cat bed
Now this is natural for Bean!
For Bean, this is natural!
It’s Mimi, Giuseppe, Bean and Mewsette. Everyone smile pretty for the camera…well, sort of…at least try to look at me all at the same time?
foru black cats in cat bed
What would you do if you turned around and saw this?
Everyone turn left and look at the birds on the feeder!
four black cats in bed
Look at the bird!
Now, everyone relax and look natural.
four black cats in cat bed
Just four black cats in their natural state.

The photo at the top is available on Portraits of Animals.

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Face Washing and Kelly With Squashes, 2012

tortoiseshell cat
Kelly washing her face.

One of my favorites from yesterday’s bath sequence (in 2012), Kelly vigorously washing her face having, turned one of her ears inside out which she does nearly every time she washes her face. You can see even the insides of her ears are tortoiseshell, having freckles and speckles like the rest of her.

She’s just such a little girl and a constant bather. She has never been comfortable with change or disorder (and yet she had the misfortune to live with me), and I always felt all that bathing was somehow an effort to organize all her tortie spots. Bathing is one of her comforts; along with the constant motion and careful attention to detail is the loud purring of a very happy kitty. It’s a rare opportunity to achieve a fully dark background in this house.

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Kelly was having a difficult time with life int he spring of 2012; it was what tipped me that something was happening with her, though we never figured out what it was. But each day that I posted a photo or sketch of her I hoped it would send her a burst of loving attention. She never seemed to mind this. These two photos are two of my favorites from that time of beautiful spring sunlight.

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Kelly With Squashes

tortoiseshell cat with squashes
Kelly With Squashes

Kelly steps out again today after a week or so in the bottom shelf of a cabinet. She’s been trying to figure things out, and I am just letting that happen. And she didn’t step out voluntarily—I placed her in the sun on this cabinet and gave her lots of love, just her, and she decided it was such a good idea that she is still on that cabinet, even though the sun is long gone. Just a little encouragement goes a long way with a delicate sensibility like Kelly.

She also graced me with a lovely multi-part bath session resulting in about 2GB of photos of Kelly bathing.

But they were each very much worth the time. I will have to share them in groups somehow, but for now I am exhausted by the excitement of a one-hour photo session (after a day of much photography, it was just so beautiful) and downloading and reviewing the photos, trying to choose one to share tonight.

I chose this one because of its multiple interest points, color scheme and resemblance to a classic still life though it has a certain oddness about it that I find intriguing. Those squashes are a few acorn squash I didn’t realize I still had, having faded to yellow from the rich deep forest green of autumn. The decorative dish is avacado green tempered glass and gracefully formed, the base is a brass-tone composite metal, the two colors and textures, or lack thereof, contrasting nicely.

As far as still lifes with cats go, it’s not quite Kelly With Apples for peace and contentment, though there is one similar to that in this series that I took intentionally, but it is certainly interesting to look at. Looks like another painting to me, and perhaps the other still life too.

And though Photoshop’s artistic filters don’t resemble any styles that I know of I like to play with them just to see what and image might look like. I used “dry brush” because I think it looks more like a watercolor than the watercolor filter does.

tortoiseshell cat with squashes
Kelly With Squashes, with dry brush filter.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine ArtPhotographyGiftsGreeting CardsBooksCommissioned Portraits & Artwork

Tabbies Tiles in black

Tiles are about 4.75″ square, made of white polymer clay rolled thin, then pressed onto one of the inked linoleum blocks from my “Tabbies” series, printed in black. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

One thought on “Daily Photo: I Am Sleeping Now, Thank You

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    somebody look like mackerull boomer junior butter feeld 😉 ♥♥


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