Wednesday, May 8, 2024
black catscat photographsmy household of felinesphotographstortoiseshell cats

A Nice Quiet New Year

seven cats in the kitchen
All seven in the kitchen.

It started out as me and Kelly and Cookie, and one or two at a time the family decided to join us after dinner, so we had a nice New Year night all together at the table.

Kelly is at the water bowl, and on the table from the left is Jelly Bean, whose butt is the only thing showing, Cookie, behind her is Mewsette in profile, next to her is Mr. Sunshine, and in the crochet bag sitting up looking at Sunshine is Mimi, lying down in the bag is Giuseppe.

Mimi hopped into the crochet bag when Cookie hopped out to get a drink of water, and Giuseppe, ever the mama’s boy, joined her in there. Mewsette came to hang with me and Cookie and Kelly who were fussing with my crochet project. Jelly Bean felt left out so he wandered around and finally settled on the crochet project as well when Kelly went to get a drink of water. I had been sitting in the chair just behind Cookie and JB.

I had actually finished this scarf and it’s going to a feline-loving friend who will probably not notice a few spare cat hairs!

Here they are from the other angle, which is what I saw before I decided to get up to take the photo.

seven cats in the kitchen
Seven cats from the other angle.

I love it when they all settle around me, but this has been a novelty in my years of living with cats. It’s mostly because five of them are related and often do things all together, while Cookie and Kelly are usually with me. When Dickie and Peaches were here they added to the fun, though I never managed to get a photo of all nine together.

If I need for them to move I actually get up and walk away and one or two will follow. Believe it or not, there are times when I need for them to move.


From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

6 thoughts on “A Nice Quiet New Year

  • How lovely – this proves the kitchen really IS the heart of a home!

    • So it is–perhaps they feel my relaxation when I’m there. Having dinner at a regular time and relaxing with a project for a little while afterward instead of running back to work is a new part of my daily schedule, and I think they’re trying to reinforce it!

  • Kimberly Helgeson

    It’s funny you said if you needed the cats to move you would just walk away. When I try to read the paper my three cats all jump up on the table and lay right on the top of it. I have learned to get up and go in the other room, they follow me and I try to read again later. Sometimes it works but other times I give up.

    Love all your Kitties!

    • That’s my tactic with other things too–when I work in my studio I have to let them walk all over my work surface and sniff all my materials and be petted, then I step out and they find places to sleep. Only then can I get to work on whatever it is I’m working on!


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