Wednesday, May 1, 2024
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Daily Photo: What’s Better Than a Basket?

A basket in a basket!
A basket in a basket!

A basket inside a basket! Two baskets in one, and they both belong to Bella today!

There’s not much better than a nice crackly basket to sharpen one’s claws a little in the bottom, gnaw a bit on the handle, have a quick bath, check the bird feeder and then curl up inside and have a really good nap all afternoon.

But Bella couldn’t believe her luck today! She found the secret to true happiness today when she found her favorite basket inside her other favorite basket. It was almost too good to nap, be she managed to relax and rest despite the excitement of her discovery.

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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


From the Archives: Mewsette and Jelly Bean Are “In”, 2008
two black cats in sorting bin
Mewsette and Jelly Bean are “in”.

They learned very early on that my desk was the place to be. Here are five-month-old Mewsette and Jelly Bean hanging together in my inbox, which is holding just about its maximum capacity in kittens.

Mewsette looks cool and confident, but Bean looks as he often does, a little confused. Good thing he has siblings to take care of him.

Mewsette: “It’s okay, he’s harmless.”

Jelly Bean: “She tried to kill me!”

Below is what they looked like just before this photo. Note that Mewsette is pretty much sitting on Bean’s head. Perhaps he has the dazed and confused expression because he was oxygen deprived thanks to his sister. Some things never change.

From January 11, 2008, 5 months old.

two black kittens in sorting bin
Attempted fratricide? You decide.

Photos “From the Archives” are those taken with my digital camera prior to the time I began blogging, or one which I did not share from years I was blogging.

“Vintage Photos” are ones taken on film, back to 1983 when I bought my Pentax K1000.

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Wordless Wednesday: Bella Composition
black cat in shadows

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After Dinner Baths, 2015
four black cats bathing
This is how it gets done.

Giuseppe washes Smokie and Mewsette and Mr. Sunshine wash each other. How else to you the get those hard-to-reach spots clean?

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Amber Buttercup Customizes Her Window, 2013
orange cat in window
Amber Buttercup give me an audience.

I can never pass up an opportunity to photograph Amber Buttercup whenever I walk past her house. After three years she seems to be resigning herself to this intrusion on her sunbathing privacy.

You can see she has customized her mini-blind to allow several access points into her sunny space, and liberally left her mark on the window. Love the pink toes pressed against the glass.

I had wanted to actually do a sketch here of the view seen below, but decided I really didn’t have time to run a block home and get my sketchbag, sketch, and be on with my errands, but I will be certain to take my sketch bag with me from now on, along with my camera…I think I need a friendly little pack h0rse too.

orange cat in window
Might have sketched this…

See more photos of Amber Buttercup and cats in windows.

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Big and Little Sisters, 2011
Big and little sisters.
Big and little sisters.

Taken when Cookie was 18 and Mewsette 3, it was a big sister who was little, and a little sister who was big. At times Mewsette had to sneak up on Cookie when she was sleeping and protectively curl around her as Cookie was accustomed to being the caretaker, but sometimes Cookie willingly accepted Mewsette’s warm vigilance and an afternoon cuddle on the bed was hard to resist. Just as the younger cats took care of Peaches, so they keep after Cookie, though Mewsette was the most persistent.

Cookie got her due, as she was the one who was a patient guide for the Fantastic Four when they were kittens as she was happily vigilant with her senior brothers and sisters long before any kittens were here. Good karma really should pay back right away instead of waiting for another lifetime to enjoy it. It certainly did for Cookie.

Browse some rescued cats and kittens!


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in using one in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of this image or a product including this image, check my Etsy shop or Fine Art America profile to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

© 2015 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski


Weekly schedule of features:
Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life
Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters
Tuesday: Rescue Stories
Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork
Thursday: New Merchandise
Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy
Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats
And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!





From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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