Wednesday, May 1, 2024
black catscatsdaily photomimi

Daily Photo: Mimi in the Rain

black cat at birdbath
Mimi watching the raindrops.

It’s a good day to watch raindrops make ripples in the birdbath.

This was Friday, a nice rainy morning, no storms or wind. I was trying to ignore the rhododendron blooms covered with raindrops but it was no use, I had to photograph them. Mimi and I went out several times, and she wasn’t happy to stay on the porch. The rocker is at the corner where the rhododendron is so Mimi was hanging there with me, rubbing all over the chair, and contemplating the birdbath for a drink. I saw her from the back and heard the words above in my head, but missed the photo, picturing it in black and white. Sometimes I can get Mimi to repeat an action if she likes it, I did, and I got the photo with the absolute purrfect position of Mimi’s head and hears, and the ripples on the birdbath. She was purring up a storm, really happy even if she couldn’t go off the porch.

Probably the third time I went out to photograph the rhododendron the rain was only falling lightly and Mimi decided she had places to go. Still photographing the rhody blossoms I watched her go down the steps, then turn the corner to head for the back yard, and finished up my photos as she headed for the gate, plainly ignoring me calling her. She knew I’d follow. (Below are some photos of her in this same place from a different angle, one of my favorites! I think I’ll add it to my gallery.) Later I got some very nice photos of her on the wet flagstone walk that I’ll feature another day. I still have to catch up with two outings with galleries of photos. Mimi is so inspiring!

And the photographs of the rhododendron…one of my favorites in the past was tiny raindrops on the flowers that glittered as the sun came out, but these were big wet drops and looked like crystals and pearls. The light was dim because the rain was falling, but even with that every edge had drips and drips clinging. Everyone’s favorite, including mine, is the large one below, and then I have a little gallery of others. The larger one, “Magic on a rainy morning”, was one of the reasons I went back outside more than once. I really wanted those stamens with the pearls of rain strung along them, and the profile of the flower against a darker background, but focusing on just the stamens was a real challenge. In the end, I used the one I’d gotten on the first outing, even though the stamens wasn’t exactly what I wanted, because the flower is so beautiful. I’ll be creating with these, for sure!

rhododendron flower
Magic on a rainy morning

As always, to see more photos from out there, please visit which has even more photos than my Instagram profile.

From around this date in past years

It’s All So Unfair, 2019

Bella and Sienna have to share the screen!
Bella and Sienna have to share the screen!

They have to sit inside and watch me and Mimi having a great time outside the window, and they have to share it too. Wrong.

Actually, I am outside photographing some new stuff which I enjoy, but I’d hardly classify it as a good time. And they didn’t really have to both crowd into one window, except that Mariposa was at the other window and she’s a kitty who likes to touch other kitties with her big white mittens. That would not do.

Photos from years past.


Backyard Panther, 2018

The backyard panther watches you.
The backyard panther watches you.

Mimi is watching.

I don’t know if she realizes how interesting her poses are when she does something like this, but I have several that are really unique, looking right at me through some greenery in the yard. I could only find her to take the photo because I knew she was there. Below she watches something interesting in the greenery.


And, just for context, here is the whole scene. This side yard is just celebrating the amount of sun it gets since the tree is gone. This is the second year and all my groundcovers are trying to compete with each other. Mimi is the black shape in the center. Behind her the gate is open, and next to her I still don’t have a fence back up. But everything is growing enthusiastically.


From Instagram

I was pretty quiet over the weekend with the spaghetti dinner, but now I’m back up to it again. From last Saturday…

Up in the treehouse on a dark drizzly morning.

Up in the treehouse.
Up in the treehouse.

And from today…

When we put our heads together…we have a good nap. Because, you know, there is only one basket in the entire house, and the brothers must sleep in a heap.



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What other photos were featured on this date?


Can We Just Go to Bed Now?, 2013
black cat in box with art materials
Mimi actually looks a little cranky in her supervisor’s box.

You don’t really need to paint all those boxes behind me tonight, do you?

I’ve had a very long week supervising you and I need my beauty rest.

Can we just go to bed now?

You’re right, Mimi, we have had a number of late nights this week, and you don’t even look happy in your supervisor’s box. But I just need a little time to get the first coat on these boxes….

It is quite late and we had a huge storm this afternoon, so first thing tomorrow morning Mimi and I will have to inspect the neighbor’s maple tree which is lying across our yard. We are glad that the tall old tree fell where no one was hurt, and we will report from the back yard tomorrow.

And Mimi has never had a cranky moment in her life, no matter what I hand her.

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Big Yawn, 2011
black cat yawning
A big, sunny yawn.

Not as pretty as yesterday’s photo, but Mewsette does have wonderful yawns!

By the way, I did catch Mewsette in a big yawn during the photography stakeout last Thursday. (I looked back through my photos from April and May 2011 and I have no idea what I meant by that!)

Hope you had a great day, though!

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Your Package is in Good…Paws, 2011
tortoiseshell cat on boxes
The goods are safe with me.

Ever my assistant and constant companion, Cookie.

This is a big box of printed materials plus a smaller box to be delivered to a customer.

On top of the stack is Cookie.

No one would dare attempt to touch anything in the boxes with a tortoiseshell cat en garde.

Cookie took this role upon herself as she has for most of her life, being a working kitty. She is happy to provide assistance during my workday. She is also 19 and was very pleased with herself at climbing up and up and up onto the boxes on her own—or, well, I was glad to see that she can still do this while she had no doubt.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine ArtPhotographyGiftsGreeting CardsBooksCommissioned Portraits & Artwork

black cat in Mimi walks through the buttercups and forget-me-nots.
Mimi walks through the buttercups and forget-me-nots.

Mimi is never so happy as when she’s out in the yard, as you can see by her “happy tail”. She’s so short that I can’t get a good photo of her face without flowers in the way, but perhaps that’s how she wants it. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

2 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Mimi in the Rain

  • That’s some very cute rain watching! We did lots of rain watching last week, we had 7.78 inches of rain.

    • I read about that! We finally had just a nice rain, one that we could actually go outside in. Mimi is the best model!


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