Saturday, May 4, 2024
Bertcats for adoptiondaily photoErniefoster cats

Daily Photo: Making Progress

orange cat and black cat
Bert and Ernie on my lap together!

The photo above may not look like much to you but it’s totally amazing to me. It’s Bert and Ernie on my lap together! I tired and tried but could not get a better photo of the two of them together on my lap. They are so happy they can’t stop moving.

They’ve been getting so friendly since I took away their carrier two weeks ago. No more hisses! At all!

Playing with the toy together
Playing with the toy together

One thing they do, though, is play at lot. A LOT! They are in there right now bouncing off the walls, or so it sounds.

 Hey, he won't give it up!
Hey, he won’t give it up!

And they both love their pets. Ernie is more friendly than ever, and even Bert, who quit hissing and avoided me, decided to turn around and ask for pets!

Bert gets the toy and tries to run with it.
Bert gets the toy and tries to run with it.

Bert had continued hissing at me and running from me, except for treats time, then one day he stopped but still ran for protection, hopping into the tub. Now he can’t wait for me to come in so he can rub on my legs and get his pets.

Ernie has such lovey stripes.
Ernie has such lovely stripes.

Ernie is still more affectionate on his own, still giving me nice wet nose kisses, enjoying being picked up and loved on, and he is fully aware how cute he is.

Ernie's chin!
Ernie’s chin!

I’m so glad they’ve turned the corner and they are happy being with people. As soon as they are fully ready, it’s off to adoption!

. . . . . . .

And an update from today when Debby Nicola visited!

Everyone who visits has to see my fosters because it’s part of their socialization, and especially when it’s another cat rescuer who understands them. I opened the bathroom door and saw Ernie in the tub, but no Bert. I stepped in and looked all over the tub, no Bert. Behind the toilet, no Bert. Behind the door? No Bert. In the little narrow cubby next to the tub…? No Bert. If there is an access to get out of the bathroom, I don’t know of it, and this isn’t how I want to find out!

Then I remembered I had removed one of the flat boxes holding canned food from under the cabinet, leaned over, and there was Bert’s nose, and I knew he was very frightened to have fit himself in that tiny space before we even opened the door. I was so disappointed for them being so affectionate with me and knowing it’s time for them to graduate to other humans. I sat down and put the flower essence Trauma Free on my hands, the one that had worked with them from the beginning, rubbed my hands together and the sound and action reminded them of our process of getting treats and getting pets, always with the essence on my hands–Bert peeked out and they both looked up and me and looked hopeful. It took some verbal coaxing and little pets with the essences for Bert to come out and Ernie to come to the edge of the tub, and then I gave then big rounds of pets while they circled around in front of me and purred, obviously relaxed. I carefully retrieved their treats from the drawer in the cabinet, which would have opened directly over Bert’s head, and shook it. Little leaps back into the tub and back out and they both got treats and pets and purred.

two cats with treat
It’s blurry, but the boys came forward for treats!

Then to my surprise they looked at Debby in the doorway “not looking at them” so not to seem threatening, but they shuffled back and forth, into the tub and out, but eventually came close enough for her to give a few treats. She gave a few to my regulars out on the landing, then Bert and Ernie came back feeling very confident and got many more treats. It’s like a graduation! We were so proud of them.

two cats with treat
Ernie gets pets!

But here is what Mimi thought of the whole deal with the treats–she is sitting on the top edge of the baby gate next to Debby’s shoulder, disapproving that other cats are getting treats and not her. So she got a few more.

black cat with woman
Mimi does not approve.

. . . . . . .

What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Giuseppe Does the Whole Window, 2012
black cat wiping window
Giuseppe cleans a spot of the window…

The storm door was a little steamy after lunch today and Giuseppe wanted to watch the birds on the deck, so he just washed the window, wipe, wipe, wipe with his right paw.

Then he sat to take in the scene.

black cat looking out door
…and looks out at the snowy back yard.

But soon he decided he wanted to see the whole outside so he tried to clean as much of the window as possible, singing all the time! My little digital didn’t have enough battery for a video!

black cat wiping window
But soon he’s singing and cleaning the whole window!

. . . . . . .

My Kitchen Assistant, 2010
black cat with flour on his face
Mr. Sunshine wears his efforts proudly.

I don’t know where he got the crumbs on his head, but Mr. Sunshine wore them proudly all afternoon.

“I helped mom. You didn’t.” Everyone ignored him.

I keep a sturdy stool next to the sink where I work so that curious kitties can watch the process without, theoretically, jumping up on the counter and into the big bowl of stuffing. Mr. Sunshine, known for his adventures, managed to stay out of trouble on Christmas Day.

But at the last minute he decided to make a face at me. I expected to see him stick out his tongue. He’s a silly guy.

black cat with head tilted
“How’s this mom?”

Browse some rescued cats and kittens!


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in using one in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of this image or a product including this image, check my Etsy shop or Fine Art America profile to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

© 2014 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski


Weekly schedule of features: Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life
Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters
Tuesday: Rescue Stories
Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork
Thursday: New Merchandise
Friday: Bok Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy
Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats
And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!





From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

5 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Making Progress

  • Pingback: Daily Photo: Practicing Some Zen ~ The Creative Cat

  • I have been offline most of the time these last weeks, and I have just found out about these two boys.
    I hope they will evolve in the best possible way and will find the proper human to love and be loved.

  • Those little fosters are very cute!
    We think you have the magic touch with kitties, not to mention lots of patience in letting them calm down and relax.
    We are sure they will be adoptable soon too.
    We also like the window cleaning and head tilting 😉
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    • I have updates on these two as well! But my talented boys really do steal the show, especially Mr. Sunshine with his scientifically calculated head tilt!


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