Friday, May 3, 2024
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Daily Photo: Basket Naps

two black cats napping in basket
Sunshine and Bella enjoy relaxing basket naps in slightly cooler weather.

Bella loves to snuggle with Mr. Sunshine. In fact, she just loves him in general, but I can feel the vibes when they are in the basket relaxing together.

(I’m kind of catching up with last week’s posts. They worked over the weekend here to get the bathroom and other things done before Thursday when I’m getting ready for Rock the Quarry.)

Below, Bella doesn’t mind when Mr. Sunshine decides to use her as a pillow. Can you see her slightly opened eye, looking satisfied?

two black cats napping in basket
Bella doesn’t mind when Sunshine uses her as a pillow.

And when you get down to last year’s photo you can see it was Jelly Bean sharing the basket with Bella. He was the stand-in when Mr. Sunshine wasn’t feeling so well.


Purrs for Mr. Sunshine

Friday: Mr Sunshine enjoys a good sunbath and we hope it will help with the UTI he seems to be brewing. Some fluids, Chinese herbs, and an antibiotic and he’s feeling a little bit better.

He did feel better later on Friday, and by Saturday had improved a good bit, not eating much, but eating on his own, active and social, trying to steal my food. Stealing from my plate when I’m at the table has become a thing with him and Mimi!

Sunday morning he’s lethargic again and not eating, though he greeted me when I got up and ate some treats before breakfast, but no food. He was restless and uncomfortable most of the day and has eaten nothing else but bits of treats. His temperature was normal. I gave him his antibiotic then later fluids and Cerenia, then he vomited, so I gave him more Cerenia a while later. He was sleeping on the table, actually on his back, for a while, but he’s in the bottom of the cat tree now, where he goes when he doesn’t feel well.

This could be another recurrence of how he felt a week or so after we lost Mewsette, in response to losing Jelly Bean. With Mr Sunshine it could always be something more, with that mass on his spleen, precancerous nodes around his abdomen, liver disease, hypertension… he’s been feeling really really well for the past several weeks but the veterinarian’s diagnosis back in May said his prognosis was poor, though he had a good quality of life.

So send him some purrs, and if you’d like to help us pay for his veterinary care, there are those dish towels that feature him as well as Jelly Bean! And lots of other gift items you might be interested in. Visit


From the Back Yard and Beyond

Thunderstorm Just Before Sunset

From around this date in past years

Soft Snuggles, 2022

two black cats napping
Soft snuggles

Oh my, the soft snuggles and naps we can have now that it’s cooled off! I catch them in all sorts of compromising positions. Usually it’s Mr. Sunshine snuggling with Bella in the basket, but she’s snuggling with Jelly Bean today. Don’t let Mr. Sunshine know…although I think he already knows…

Best of all, there is just such a feeling of rest now. We are due for some higher temperatures over the next few days while I have my events, but I am hoping that the house will stay cool while I have the windows covered and fans running. When I’m out and come home on a hot day, it’s often comfortably cool inside, and I know the basement will stay cool. Me and the cats love all the doors and windows open all day in summer, but we are really done with the heat for this year.

I’m running behind on Instagram and the back yard! After this weekend I won’t be so busy.


From around this date in past years

Mewsette Samples the Lemongrass, 2020

black cat with foliage
Mewsette samples the lemongrass.

“Hey, this lemongrass is great stuff!”

Maybe I’ll bring some inside for winter forage. I really tried hard to focus on her face or the grass or something, but I still like the photo. Mewsette has no idea how funny she is. She’s also good for “whisker Wednesday”.

Of course, that wasn’t the only photo I took! Mewsette looks sufficient derpy here!

black cat with foliage
Derpy Mewsette!

I was trying my best to get a really pretty photo of pretty Mewsette with a pretty geranium, but this was the best I did. I like them all, even if they aren’t what I envisioned.


From Instagram

Under the swing, on the deck, on a hot summer morning. It’s the best place to be.

Well, that’s a fine selection. Mr. Sunshine thinks he took the Gold.

Four kitties get awards.

Today my neighbor congratulated me on the centennial of my right to vote as a woman and gave me this button. Today is the day the 19th Amendment was actually adopted into the Constitution, guaranteeing that no citizen of the United States would be denied by the government or by any state the right to vote on account of sex. Of course, we are still working on how that’s enforced, but at least we had a start. Use it, or you may lose it!

The women’s political union!

From the backyard and beyond

Kitty and the Queen of Hearts. Denise (caretaker at the top of the hill)  had this little gardener kitty in her Queen of Hearts petunias. Altogether so cute it nearly knocked me down the steps.

From around this date in past years

Lazy Office Supurrvisors, 2019

Lazy office supurrvisors.
Lazy office supurrvisors.

Today’s office supurrvisors. Looks like I’ll be able to get away with anything I want. Sunshine’s belly is as soft and pettable as it looks. Mariposa is making little happy noises each time she stretches and changes position. She is actually air kneading upside down with those big white mittens. I’m about to faint from the cuteness.

This was actually from one day last week. I’ve been boring the felines again with working—I’m getting ready for my upcoming Panhandle Trail exhibit. And if that was a lot of work already, it’s even more time-consuming with a bad hip! I can’t believe how long it takes me to get things done. So I owe everyone an apology—the kitties for late meals and less attention, and you for posting when it seems I darned well please. I’ve also been continuing to work on my basement as I clean it and convert it back to my printing studio, and keeping up with the rest of the house. I used to fly around and not even remember doing these things! Not so right now. Things will be back to normal next week, especially since I’m preparing for Pet Memorial Sunday. Wow, where has the time gone?!

So all the current photos in this post are from Instagram because, when it’s just too much work to get to my computer to post here, I can at least post a photo on Instagram and Photoshop to let the world know I’m still here.

Some deep feline existential considerations filling the kitchen this morning.

Existential cats.
Existential cats.

Thanks to Deana for the care package from your garden! One can never have too many fresh vegetables. Unless one is a cat who is wondering why there is never any catnip or mice in these loads of useless vegetables.

Cats are still wondering about this vegetable thing.
Cats are still wondering about this vegetable thing.

Good thing I removed that casserole so Mariposa could have a cozy spot to cuddle and wash her big white paws. Because those big white paws must be kept sparkling white.

Mariposa cleans her mittens.
Mariposa cleans her mittens.

An interesting heart-shaped nap with little grasshopper Basil all grown up and his big ninja sensei Giuseppe, curled up in the kitchen while I make a pot of soup, just like the old days when Basil was a frightened little kitten and Giuseppe showed him the world. There’s even a sort of little heart inside the heart.

Heart-shaped nap.
Heart-shaped nap.

What to do when it’s your turn to nap in the box but your brother won’t get out of it.

Sister solves the problem.
Sister solves the problem.

Mimi’s favorite scratching post. The bark on the river birches is irresistible, she says. I’ll take her word for it. In the meantime, thunder is rolling in from the southwest, so our outdoor time is limited.

Mimi's favorite scratching post.
Mimi’s favorite scratching post.

Mimi lured me over to the wicker loveseat so she could steal my rocker. She has no regrets.

Mimi stole my rocker.
Mimi stole my rocker.


Photos from years past

Daily Photo: Cats and Tomatoes, 2018

Tomatoes and cats
Tomatoes and cats

“She’s really excited about these things. We don’t get it.”

That’s okay, they don’t need to be excited about the tomatoes. I’m ready for tomato time. Despite all the wandering and working around in the garden Mimi and I have done the groundhog still invaded and ate all the leaves off my smallish tomato plants. I’ve moved them and they’ll recover, but not in enough time for me to get my summer’s worth of tomatoes. But they really couldn’t figure out what I was so excited about.

And because I’ve had some errands the past few days Mimi has not had her outdoor time. Rain and then storms moved in today but she was in no mood to wait for them to pass, or be patient until tomorrow. We went out in the rain, with me running behind her.

Mimi in the rain.
Mimi in the rain.

. . . . . . .

What other photos did I feature on this date?


Monday Laundry, 2017
Mewsette finds a good spot in the shade of the laundry.
Mewsette finds a good spot in the shade of the laundry.

Mewsette chills in the shade under one of my dresses this morning as I hang out the laundry and she and her mom enjoy some fresh air. She fits purr-fectly in the shade.

. . . . . . .

What other photos did I feature on this date?


Celebrating Independent Thought on Independence Day, 2016

I completely forgot to share this at the beginning of this month!

Independence Day
Independence Day

Four black cats and a watermelon. Each cat has his own independent opinion. It is, after all, Independence Day.

I set the watermelon on the cabinet just to see what would happen. This.

. . . . . . .

All About the Kids, 2015

Somehow Charm ended up tucked into Basil’s tail and a fold in the rug on the top of the cabinet. They were all very busy today, before the fireworks started, official and otherwise, mostly keeping track of the wildlife outside the windows. The squirrel was trying to raid this feeder all day long, and if you ask Basil and Bella and Charm they came darned close to getting that pest! But I guess it was Basil’s turn to keep a lookout at the side window and Charm was watching the front window. Or she was just being cute as she is so good at being.

Below, a couple of photos posted on Facebook today of Bella and Basil and Charm.

Ssshhhh…..nobody move or even breathe…the squirrel is RIGHT THERE.

The squirrel is RIGHT THERE!
The squirrel is RIGHT THERE!

Charm just successfully stalked and captured a bread crust, carried it to me from the kitchen loudly announcing her arrival, and proceeded to drop it on the floor by my chair and demonstrate the best way to kill and eat it, glancing up at me to see if I was paying attention and making encouraging chirps. Once a mom, always a mom, I guess. Mimi still does that now and then. Seems I’m a little deficient in that area.

Charm brings me her kill.
Charm brings me her kill.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

scratchboard of two black cats
“Black and Light”, scratchboard, 6.5″ x 6″ © Bernadette E. Kazmarski

You’d think with a bunch of black cats I’d do a ton of scratchboard, but not so—this is the only scratchboard I have, at least right now. Read more.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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Subscribe to The Creative Cat Preview E-newsletter.

© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

2 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Basket Naps

  • mary mcneil

    We send purrayers and Power of the Paw to Mr. Sunshine.


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