Wednesday, May 1, 2024
black catscatsdaily photogiuseppe

Daily Photo: Ahhh

black cat drinking from faucet

Now that’s a satisfying drink of water!

From Instagram

Not exactly sure what Bella has in mind for my neatly folded pile of clean laundry, but I think I’d better move it before I find out.

black cat with laundry
Bella with the laundry.

Mimi thinks it’s too cold but really wants to be outside. Mariposa thinks she’s nuts.>

Mimi on the porch, Mariposa inside.



And below, former fosters and adopter updates! Plus, windows open to spring-like weather.

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Photos from around this date in previous years

A Noseful of Nice Weather, 2018

Bella and Hamlet at the basement door.
Bella and Hamlet at the basement door.

Wow, what a treat, the basement door open in February! Enjoy it now, because it snows tomorrow! Bella and Hamlet got lots of whiffs, and thoroughly sniffed the blue door, the screen door, and the doorstep. This kept them quietly occupied for several hours.

Mimi and I went outside.

Oh, my, what a great amount of peemail to download after this long winter! Plus lots of other critter messages! Was good to get grounded with our bare paws first time this year.

Mimi downloading peemail and other messages.
Mimi downloading peemail and other messages.

Earlier in the studio…

I just realized I’ve been standing at my computer for about an hour, turned to look at my chair, Mewsette and Mimi are enjoying all the crochet things I’ve used to mske this old chair comfortable–for me.

Mewsette and Mimi on my chair.
Mewsette and Mimi on my chair.


Open Windows! 2017

OPEN WINDOW! Bella, Jelly Bean, Mimi, Hamlet, Basil. Of course there's a screen.
Bella, Jelly Bean, Mimi, Hamlet, Basil. Of course there’s a screen.

I put one of the screens back in the dining room windows and opened it up to the afternoon air. They all lined up to catch the breeze, and then…

SQUIRREL! In surround sound! Same group.
SQUIRREL! In surround sound!

Squirrel! In surround sound! Not that muffled stuff like all winter long, that squirrel was right there!

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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?

Some foster updates from last year!

Charmee Helps Grade Papers

And then there’s little Charmee.

Charm is helping her person grade papers. That’s very important work.

It also means her person is on the floor with her papers, because Charm likes it that way.

Charm deserves this.

Imagine where Charm would be right now, and her kittens too, if some people hadn’t cared enough to rescue her. She certainly wouldn’t be lying on her back on a nice warm carpeted floor telling her person what to do.

Read more about Charm.


Simon and Theo
Simon and Theo look pretty relaxed!
Simon and Theo look pretty relaxed!

Simon and Theo look pretty relaxed down there in Savannah! My niece shared a couple of photos of them napping on Valentine’s Day.

Theo is up on the back of the couch where it's really comfy, and right by the window.
Theo is up on the back of the couch where it’s really comfy, and right by the window.

I don’t have a rescue story ready for today, and with a couple of assignments this has been a busy week so far. Instead, I’ll be sharing updates on my former fosters!

They’ve been there a little over a month and all is going well. They have the run of the house, and they take advantage of it. Theo was pretty bold from the beginning, but Simon kept in one bedroom or another and was afraid to come up the hallway on his own.

That could have been because of the D-O-G, Bingo. Dogs weren’t really in their experience, but my niece told me the first time Theo and Bingo came nose to nose, Theo looked scared, then hissed, and Bingo—well-trained by his tabby fur sister Elsa—immediately started whining an apology and backing up. Theo was pretty impressed with himself. Apparently this worked for both of them.

Simon has the prime spot on the floor where he can see everything.
Simon has the prime spot on the floor where he can see everything.

Simon just needed a little more time, and now Jennifer tells me he’s just everywhere. She opens a door, he’s in the closet, in the refrigerator, in the cabinet. I did warn her, but it’s hard to explain and she just had to experience it.

They both seem very happy. I’m thrilled to see them.

The lead tabby girl, Elsa, has been keeping in her room for now, so perhaps in time she’ll be back out running the show. Baby developed a URI about two weeks after the boys arrived, and it might have been something they carried, one of the casualties of moving pets distances, or it might have been a flare-up of a URI when she was a kitten. Cassidy had to wait to take her home from the shelter because Baby had developed a URI and her eyes were really infected; they almost thought she wouldn’t survive, and in fact her sibling did not. But Baby did, and came home. When felines are stressed, they tend to hold things inside, reducing their immunity, and situations like this are stressful. All seems to be well now.

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From Facebook and Instagram

All kitties like to nap on the bed. It’s hard to tell because it’s so dark but this is Hamlet and Ophelia cuddling on the nice soft comforter. They played all afternoon.

Hamlet and Ophelia cuddling on my bed.
Hamlet and Ophelia cuddling on my bed.

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Well, someone’s getting bold. Hamlet on the windowsill in my studio, while I’m working at my desk with Giuseppe on my lap.

Hamlet on the windowsill in my studio.
Hamlet on the windowsill in my studio.

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What other photos have I shared on or around this date?


Daily Photo: A Few More of Bert–oops, Simon!, 2015
Here's Simon looking as soft and fuzzy as he really was in life!
Here’s Simon looking as soft and fuzzy as he really was in life!

Yes, Bert’s name is now Simon, and it’s such a natural for him that I took to it right away and forgot he was called Bert for quite some time! I have a few of my favorites here along with a few from his adopter, Christy, who has been sharing his photos on my Facebook page and sending me updates. Above he looks soft and sweet and ready for petting, which he was—I’m so glad he got to like it because everyone is going to want to touch such a beautiful cat.

Simon tended to blend in with things in the bathroom and I finally got a photo of him in the tub looking very handsome.

orange cat in the tub
Simon in the tub!

He took to the scratcher and loved to stretch his back while digging into the strip of jute carpet backing I have at the top, and always made sure it was convenient for me to scratch his back with he stretched.

orange cat scratching post
Simon has a good scratch!

While Ernie really liked the cat track that was just a track, Simon liked the one with the scratcher in the center, and had developed a habit of sitting purr-fectly centered there. I finally got him to look up at me.

orange cat on cat track
Simon sitting in the middle of the cat track.

He never did get what I enjoyed about being totally covered with water.

orange cat
What Simon thought about me soaking in the tub.

We’re using this photo as our Sunday Selfie this week!

Scroll down to see who else is participating.

Now these photos are Simon in his new home! First, he’s soaking up the affection. He transitioned right to his new person without any hesitation.

orange cat
Simon can’t get enough cuddling!

Piper, the resident kitty, comes over to see what’s happening. Piper has been curious and friendly, but both are being cautious.

orange cat and black cat
Piper comes over for a closer look at Simon.

Piper is still the lord of the manor, but Simon is definitely finding his place there.

orange cat and black cat
Piper and Simon are getting closer, literally.

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From Facebook and Instagram

Feel like you’ve got your head stuck in an oatmeal box? Well, maybe you do Giuseppe.

Giuseppe with his head in a box of oatmeal.
Giuseppe with his head in a box of oatmeal.


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Wordless Wednesday: Truly Spring, 2013
cat silhouette with sun flares
Truly spring has arrived at the morning widow as Mimi is bathed in pinks and surrounded by rainbows. Who’s my Valentine?

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Clean Up This Snow, 2012
black cat meowing
“Clean up this snow.”

Mimi is fine with the collar, and even the leash is okay.

But cold, wet paws are not part of the bargain. She did take one step out of the clear spot on the big rock, then got back up on the step.

“You need to get out there and clean up that snow,” she looked up at me and said.

This from the kitty who used to trot all over the neighborhood in all sorts of weather.

black cat in snow
To give her credit, she did give it a try.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

Have a Drink With Family
Have a Drink With Family

Especially if you’re the Parched Puddies having your daily drink in the mint green sink and the drink is water! Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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Subscribe to The Creative Cat Preview E-newsletter.

© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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