Saturday, May 4, 2024
cat photographscatscookiedaily photomewsettesenior catstortoiseshell cats

Something in the Geraniums

tortoiseshell cat in geraniums with lamp
Cookie in the geraniums.

I finally carried my geraniums inside this weekend with the warning of freezing temperatures, and look what I discovered in one of them! A Cookie! She was probably cold and drawn to the lamp, which is nice and warm. Mind you, she is curled up on the soil under the geranium plants.

You remember that I warned you to look for any sort of opportunists that might try to come indoors with your plants when you bring them inside. You see, this really does happen!

tortie cat in geraniums
Cookie warms her nose by the lamp; don't worry, it's only a 25-watt bulb for feline safety!

I was actually very surprised to see Cookie in the geraniums—I had heard a lot of rustling and shuffling there and thought it was one of the black cats, namely Mewsette who likes all plants and acting as if she’s walking through a jungle. I loudly remarked that whoever that was should get down, and the noises stopped.

A little while later I walked in the kitchen and saw movement in the geraniums, and it was Cookie! The most surprising thing is that she had quite the journey to get to where she was sleeping: up on the kitchen table, leaping across two feet of open space from the table to the cabinet in front of the window onto a very small spot left after I’d covered it with the geraniums, then walking around and in the plants. No problem for a 19-year-old apparently!

tortie cat sleeping near lamp in geraniums
A cozy nap.

This kind of qualifies as a Cookie in the Kitchen incident, since it happened in the kitchen, but she is actually as curious in other rooms as well, getting herself into places I had no idea she would ever think to go.

I have kept my geraniums for years, carrying them out in the spring and back in for winter. Most of them are several years old and are cuttings I’ve taken from others; I actually had one deep lipstick pink geranium for 13 years before she didn’t sprout leaves again one spring. They’re like old friends, though none of them is as old as Cookie!

tortie cat in geraniums
A happy Cookie.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used in any way without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.


From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

4 thoughts on “Something in the Geraniums

  • WOW! Cookie is sure agile for her age. And brilliant photos as usual, Bernadette!

    • Thanks, Carolyn, and Cookie amazes me more at this age than she did when she was young–and she’s always been a little handicapped in her hind legs, it’s not just her age. I guess she’s used to a lifetime of adapting. I just wish I’d had time to turn on the “big light” to throw a little more onto the scene.

  • Denise & Daisy Marguerite

    We older gals are full of all kinds of surprises!


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