Wednesday, May 1, 2024
catsdaily photofoster catsSiennatortoiseshell cats

Daily Photo: Tortie Life

tortoiseshell cat on desk
Sienna napping on my desk.

Sienna forgets to put on her tortitude in the morning, or evening, or late afternoon when she supurrvises me at my desk. She looks so peaceful and happy I just like to watch her.

tortoiseshell cat on desk
Tortie toes.

She still finds it difficult to be among so many cats and she tends to stay in her safe places most of the time, and that rarely includes my desk because it’s always covered with cats. No other cats ever act aggressively to her, it’s just that she feels the need to keep an eye on all of the cats around her, so she can’t relax. But lately she’s been more relaxed and spending time on my desk. She goes back and forth with this. I love her to pieces, but I would so love to see her in a place where she feels safe to race around the house and play a lot and just be herself because she’s a silly girl.

tortoiseshell cat on desk
Tortie face.

From Instagram, in the back yard and beyond

I never got around to editing photos of the cats, but I did get to get a few celebration photos from the storm we had.

Raindrops in the birdbath.


What glorious detail when the sun came out right after a rainstorm. Everything was encrusted with jewel-like water droplets, especially the daylily petals and every stem and leaf. It seems like they just began blooming but the show has lasted three weeks. What a flamboyant exit for the last of the daylilies.

Daylily with raindrops


From around this date in past years

It’s Just Hot, That’s All, 2019

It's the Hot Five.
It’s the Hot Five.

Have you ever seen the Salvador Dali painting entitled “The Persistence of Time”? It’s the one where the clocks are melting all over things and off the edges of things. Well, this is “The Persistence of Cats”, they are melting all over my desk. It’s so hot that my sweaty fingers are sticking on the keys of my keyboard, making it hard to type. I don’t know why they all settled by me here at the desk, but I do have a nice big tall oscillating fan that keeps the air moving. At least I got Mariposa and Basil off the windowsill when the sun was shining there.

This is Hamlet and Basil in the front, Giuseppe and Sunshine in the back, and Mariposa in the basket.

No AC in the house or in the car, and temperatures over 90. And no more maple tree out front. We are all hoping it’s over soon.

I posted a similar photo on Instagram, so rather than share that one here too I’ll share some pretty photos of phlox and daylilies having a festival in my yard.

Old friends

Old friends, in many ways. I was gifted the phlox and daylilies years ago by elderly friends from their gardens, and I planted them in this yard when I moved here 29 years ago. Still they bloom together, and I remember my old friends. Without the maple tree to shade them it’s been a non-stop festival of color for weeks.

A beautiful mix

And we had some rain.

After the rain


Photos shared in past years

Details, Details, 2018


So there’s a black cat on the table sitting in the sun, covered in details that, if you are patient, will appear as you look at her. Her eyes reflect two different light sources and appear to be two different colors. In addition to the long, long whiskers above her mouth, she has a forest of tiny whiskers just under her chin. Her fur is thick and deeply plushy. Her ears are coral inside. She is very serious and very calm. Mewsette was lightly napping and I asked her to turn and look at me. She willingly obliged. Now she’s ready to let the sun warm her forehead and lull her back to sleep.

Catching Up With Instagram

We’ll do a few at a time…

Listening to four part kitten harmony from the back seat transporting home from spay/neuter surgeries. They are quite talented! (I was transporting only.)

Four part kitten harmony.
Four part kitten harmony.

Did you say “kittens”?


The weather is PURRFECT today, so cool we turned off all the fans, my ears are ringing with the quiet.


Photos from previous years

Wordless Wednesday: Brothers



Softly Napping, 2017

Softly Napping
Softly Napping

The light is soft and diffuse on Basil’s silky fur as he enjoys a relaxing afternoon nap. Finally it seems the celebratory fireworks are over and everyone can rest.

Today on Instagram and Facebook

Mimi and Mewsette are all buckled up and ready for adventure out in the back yard as I open the door to take them outside.

Mewsette and Mimi are ready for adventure.

Later, Mimi is not ready to come back inside. She’s pretty comfortable in the shade under the old metal rocker.

Mimi in the shade.

From yesterday afternoon: I’d love to be able to use the microwave, but I guess Bella needs her beauty sleep.

Bella sleeping.

Bella and the Ice Cube Monster!

It’s cold, it bumps around and it snaps, crackles and pops! It’s time for Bella to enact the Daily Ice Cube Drama. Each day she ensures that we are safe lest the Ice Cube Monster in the fountain go rogue.

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Other Photos Posted On or Around This Date…

Lots of Black Cats
It's such a beautiful morning we have to pose for a family portrait. From left: Mr. Sunshine, Mimi, Giuseppe, Jelly Bean, Mewsette.
It’s such a beautiful morning we have to pose for a family portrait. From left: Mr. Sunshine, Mimi, Giuseppe, Jelly Bean, Mewsette.

Now I need to catch up with photos I shared on Facebook and Instagram! Each day that I share them I fully intend to post them here as well, but time runs out. But you’ll get to seem them through the week and kind of logically grouped together, and maybe that’s just as fun! Everyone is featured except Ophelia, and that’s because some of the photos I used for her post last Monday were the ones I shared on Facebook during the week.

So scroll down and watch their antics! I started with the most popular one—the family portrait of five, and go on from there. Check their captions for the story.

When the Four get together, they kind of absorb the light. They will be nine next month, but they still sleep in a heap like they did as kittens.
When the Four get together, they kind of absorb the light. They will be nine next month, but they still sleep in a heap like they did as kittens.
Happy Sunday from the Seven Samurai Housepanthers! We've been supervising our person as she cleans our fountain. This is very important work and must be done to our specifications.
Happy Sunday from the Seven Samurai Housepanthers! We’ve been supervising our person as she cleans our fountain. This is very important work and must be done to our specifications.

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What other photos did I feature on this date?


Daily Photo: Always Waiting for Dinner

Basil, Bean, Bella, Sunshine and Giuseppe are waiting...
Basil, Bean, Bella, Sunshine and Giuseppe are waiting…

They do gather to wait for dinner every night, but this was a very interesting arrangement with Bean standing over Bella and demanding dinner and Bella not minding at all, instead of Giuseppe leading the way and singing. I see it all the time, but I never get tired of seeing them all together. Charm was looking out the window thinking of squirrel for dinner, and Mimi and Mewsette were sitting in boxes at my feet. They don’t care for the big crowd up there.

I actually posted this on Facebook earlier this evening because I couldn’t wait.

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Cool Cats
two cats
Quietly hanging out.

The temperatures were so high this week that I had to take away the red plaid bed, and Lakota was not happy! But he was also getting overheated in there—he’d get up and drag himself over to the tile floor and lie there. I gave them a fluffy rug and the two did fine right away. They are doing well and every once in a while a block the top of the stairs and let the two roam the upstairs for some exercise.

Jojo has lovely green eyes, and fits right into the black and green bathroom theme!

black cat with green eyes
Jojo with those lovely green eyes, fits right in to the bathroom.

Lakota likes to turn in a circle and rub his face on all his catnip toys. But here it’s time for a sunbath, so play must stop for a while.

siamese cat
Lakota has all his catnip toys around him, enjoying a sunbath.

. . . . . . .

Desktop Performances
two black cats
Jelly Bean suddenly turns himself inside out, Mewsette continues sleeping.

Everything was going fine, then Jelly Bean decided to turn himself inside out and sing.

Really, how am I supposed to work under these conditions? Bean did all sorts of stretches and rolls, and big sturdy Mewsette didn’t even wake up. Was this all an act to amuse me. Or abuse me? Please guys, I have work to do!

Jelly Bean stops to make sure I’m looking.

two black cats
Are you enjoying the show?

Later, all is peaceful as the sun passes behind the houses at the top of the hill, and all five cats are deeply slumbering on my desk, in the dark puddle on the left it’s Mimi and Giuseppe and on the right it’s Mr. Sunshine, Bean and Mewsette.

five black cats on desk.
All five black cats are sleeping on my desk, just in case I decide to feed them early.

Gifts featuring cats you know! Visit Portraits of Animals


Fine Art • Photography • Gifts • Greeting Cards • Books • Commissioned Portraits & Artwork

Colorful Kelly tile.
Colorful Kelly tile.

This sketch totally surprised me—I’d never done a thing like it before. Inspired by Kelly awaking from a nap on my desk I’d been about to try out these watercolor pencils while she was sleeping. I discovered that what I thought was black was navy blue and decided to go ahead. I’m so glad I did. It captures Kelly in a very special way. Read more and purchase.


All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission, although links to your site are more than welcome and are shared. Please ask if you are interested in using and image or story in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of an image or a product including it, check my animal and nature website Portraits of Animals to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

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© 2022 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski

Weekly schedule of features:

Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life

Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters

Tuesday: Rescue Stories

Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork

Thursday: New Merchandise

Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy

Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats

And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!




From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

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