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Daily Photo: Good Morning

Good morning.
Good morning.

I posted this on Facebook because I couldn’t wait to share it.

Not bad for a photo I took and played around with before I even got out of bed! Nice way to awaken the creative senses on a Monday, and about 15 seconds of muted sunlight.

It’s rare that I have my Smartphone in my bedroom because I usually charge it at one of my computers overnight, but I saw Bella on the wardrobe through my bedroom doorway and just got the phone and took a quick shot without even sitting up, sure she’d move if she saw me move. She did not so I could sit up and zoom in and capture her in about six postures, sitting in the same place but turning her head this way and that. I chose this posture because the silhouette was so clear, then used a few filters to fill in the background with light and isolate her silhouette, then used my camera’s sepia filter. Everything is blurry and a little out of focus but Bella. I think we’ll be seeing more of this image.

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What other photos have I posted on or around this date?


Cookie in Speckles, 2011
tortoiseshell cat in speckled sun
Cookie in speckles, from July 2011…for some reason, a very special photo.

Cool, sunny summer mornings are rare, but if they are not spent outside, they are best spent by the basement door, at eye level with all that’s going on in the back yard, catching the breeze and enjoying the play of sun and shadow.

So says Cookie, a connoisseur of such things. She’s been sitting at this basement door all her life, a considerable time—in fact, her name and pawprints are pressed into the concrete of the step along with her soul-sister Sophie’s because the two spent many hours together, sitting quietly like a couple of stoop-sitting babushkas watching the world go by from their front porch.

And I love watching Cookie enjoy these things. I was going to photograph the name and pawprints to add to this, but the moment grew a little too emotional when I began to think of Sophie, and of she and Cookie in younger days. I’ll save that for another time.

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This photo is from July 1, 2011. I photographed the heck out of Cookie that year. She looks fine and was feeling great, but on that particular morning, in that moment when she looked up from her bath, seeing her in all those speckles of sun in by the basement door where I’d seen her for years, somehow I knew, and she knew, that 2011 would be our last year together. Possibly that was the reason for the tears when I considered photographing her name and Sophie’s in the doorstep. I can still see Cookie there on speckled mornings, and Sophie too sometimes when I look in from the yard.

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Easy Sunday in a Box
black cat in box
An easy Sunday in a box.

Well, there isn’t much better than a nice quiet Sunday spent in a fresh cardboard box in the sun. Jelly Bean is enjoying all the nuances of the box and the sun on the kitchen table. It was so good that I had to take a bunch of photos as the light moved.

black cat in box
Could anything be better?

Jelly Bean is fine! I’m so sorry for anyone who was worried about him! I had copied and pasted some images about Kennedy here from a former post and forgot to change the text!

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What other photos did I feature on this date?


Bad Hunters!, 2013
black cat with yellow beans
All they got were these beans!

Giuseppe is, to say the least, disappointed at the prowess of his human Mama Bernadette and feline Mama Mimi.

black cat in garden
Mimi slinks around the bean tub.

Our moms went hunting in the garden and all they brought back was this useless basket of beans! They were out there all morning and we were watching them among the tomato plants and broccoli thinking “sauteed vole with fresh grass” or “chipmunk stew with catnip”. It was almost more than we could bear, the waiting, and even though none of we Four like to go outdoors we were almost ready to charge out there and meet them, and were hoping we’d have enough for lunch and dinner, after all that waiting.

And then the two of them came strolling into the house with this! And they were happy about it! I dug around in there and tried to see if perhaps the mousies or voles were hidden underneath but I knew they weren’t because I couldn’t smell them.

As for Mama Bernadette, Mr. Sunshine knew there was something wrong when he inspected her garden seeds the day she went out a-planting and didn’t find seeds for mousies or catnip. He and Mama Mimi tried to tell her it was all useless but she would not listen.

black cat in garden
Mimi strolls quietly around the garden.

We’re worried maybe there is something wrong with out Mama Mimi. Maybe she’s been hanging with Mama Bernadette too much. Mama Mimi never taught us to hunt or brought us things but she told us all about it so we knew just what to do when the first mousie showed up in the basement.

And that’s what we’ve had to resort to—hunting for our own dinners! Mama Bernadette calls it some stupid “Mousewatch” thing and has a good laugh on our behalf, but this is serious stuff. If they’re going to go hunting out there and only bring in this sort of thing, we Four have to get to work! Already Jelly Bean has caught two, but the tell us it’s five mice per cat per day…let’s hope it rains a lot so they come running into the basement.

I don’t mind them supplementing their diet with a real mouse now and then since they do invade the basement on a regular basis, but don’t let them convince you they are deprived or forced to live on a vegetarian diet—they do get their twice-daily raw meals!

And no need to worry about Mimi’s prowess. One morning while on her leash with me attached, Mimi caught not one but two voles and calmly brought each of them to me. They’ve overrun since Namir and Cookie are gone, and as they are shallow-tunneling creatures and eat as they go, last year they ate the roots off of nearly all the vegetables in my garden. I left the voles in the garden where Mimi had set them down, and about two hours later they were gone, likely taken by the crows.

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Hmmm?, 2012
tortoiseshell cat sleeping on windowsill

It’s too hot for anything more than just opening one eye a tiny little bit. Kelly has found a spot in the shade on a cool marble widowsill and she isn’t changing that for anything.

Browse some rescued cats and kittens!


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in using one in a print or internet publication. If you are interested in purchasing a print of this image or a product including this image, check my Etsy shop or Fine Art America profile to see if I have it available already. If you don’t find it there, visit Ordering Custom Artwork for more information on a custom greeting card, print or other item.

Inspired by felines you know! Visit Portraits of Animals on Etsy.


© 2015 | | Published by Bernadette E. Kazmarski
Weekly schedule of features:
Sunday: Essays, Pet Loss, Poetry, The Artist’s Life
Monday: Adoptable Cats, TNR & Shelters
Tuesday: Rescue Stories
Wednesday: Commissioned Portrait or Featured Artwork
Thursday: New Merchandise
Friday: Book Review, Health and Welfare, Advocacy
Saturday: Your Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Living Green With Pets, Creating With Cats
And sometimes, I just throw my hands in the air and have fun!





From health and welfare to rescue and adoption stories, advocacy and art, factual articles and fictional stories, "The Creative Cat" offers both visual and verbal education and entertainment about cats for people who love cats, pets and animals of all species.

4 thoughts on “Daily Photo: Good Morning

  • Bernadette, your contemporary addendum to this story about Cookie breaks my heart. What a special cat she must have been. It’s so hard to lose the magical ones.

    • Meg, she and I were so close by that time we barely needed to look at each other. January that year I lost my mother and nearly lost Cookie too, that’s how much she absorbed from me. I had to keep my spirits up just to keep her well, but in August she began her decline.


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